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July 15, 2024
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8 Reasons Why Real Estate Tokenization Benefits Property Owners

8 Reasons Why Real Estate Tokenization Benefits Property Owners

Real Estate Tokenization draws demand due to its features that eventually benefits Property Owners and draws more property owners in addition to the investors.



Landshare Team

What comes to your mind when considering whether there will be an increasingly high demand for real estate properties with time? The answer should be affirmative since we know that land is a finite resource, and so are properties. This more was needed to drive the demand for real estate properties, at least not for another century. However, property owners do not need to worry since real estate tokenization solves this issue. 

One of the most effective use cases of blockchain technology—tokenization—has shown impressive results and assured a bright future. Real estate tokenization was among the first implementations of the technology, and it was indeed successful. McKinsey, a global management consulting firm, estimates that the volume of tokenized digital securities will hit $5 trillion by 2030, while other reports suggest that real estate tokenization will have a significant share in it. 

A Boston Consulting Group (BCG) report showed that the market size of the tokenized real estate sector in 2022 was $2.7 Billion. However, it is expected to reach $16 trillion by 2030. Such huge numbers are only possible with supply meeting demand. Tokenization brings enormous possibilities, and property owners can now be assured of potential increased demand for tokenized real estate properties. 

We must investigate the reasons that are expected to increase the demand for tokenized real estate. Let’s do this by first understanding what tokenization means. 

What Is Real Estate Tokenization?

Tokenization is the digital representation of assets on blockchain networks. Real estate tokenization does the same by representing property value through blockchain-based tokens. After tokenization, the real estate sector experienced remarkable changes, as it eliminated inherent flaws and brought some unique features. 

Real Estate Tokenization Pushes Demands in Market

The benefits, including rational ownership, increased liquidity, transparency, and security, place tokenized real estate ahead of the traditional market. Investors and property buyers are drawn towards tokenized real estate due to these offerings and likely to increase the demand in the contingency. 

The demand for real estate investment has continued to grow. According to KPMG, the global commercial real estate investment hit $830 billion in 2019, demonstrating growing interest. On the other hand, average investors have been massively included in the real estate market because of some practical ways to invest, such as Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs). The S&P Global REIT Index has seen notable growth in the past few years, indicating the rising demand for real estate investment. 

Tokenization offers a more democratized way of investing in real estate, ensuring a huge future demand. Let’s delve into the offerings of tokenized real estate to understand why it could drive more demand: 

Accessibility to Small Investors 

Fragmentation or fractional ownership of real estate properties through tokenization not only makes it possible for small investors to participate but also empowers them. By making tokenization accessible to small investors, tokenization opens up a vast pool of untapped interested buyers. Once this crowd enters the space, the real estate market could see unprecedented demand, giving small investors a significant role to play. 

Tokenization is often hailed as the 'democratization of the real estate sector '. This term refers to the idea that tokenization can make real estate investments more accessible to a wider range of investors, not just the ultra-wealthy. Many reports show that ultra-high-net-worth individuals (UHNWI), a term used to describe individuals with a net worth of over $ 30 million, prefer real estate investments for stability, cash flow, appreciation, and diversification. According to Tiger 21, a network of UHNWI entrepreneurs and investors, about 27% of these HNIs' investment portfolios consist of real estate investments. 

If given opportunities, small investors are likely to follow the HNI investment strategy to benefit from the stability, cash flow, and appreciation of the real estate sector. Tokenized real estate provides many investors with an opportunity to enter the market. 

Minimum Required Investment 

Traditional real estate markets have always had a barrier to entry, given the requirement of high capital to invest. This has restricted small investors from entering the market, but tokenization solves this. Tokenized real estate properties are divided into small units and become affordable even for retail investors. 

The low threshold for entering the real estate investment market has allowed many investors to enter, which was never possible earlier. There are numerous active projects in the tokenized real estate market that facilitate real estate investment with as low as $50. In comparison to traditional real estate, which might require from $100K to $1 Million, depending on the property, there are enormous possibilities in the tokenized real estate market. 

Global Reach Brings Investment Options 

Tokenization doesn't just allow investors to invest in real estate in any corner of the world, it opens up a world of possibilities. This global reach liberates investors from the limitation of investing in regional properties, offering them the excitement of exploring international properties with the possibility of a better return on investment and rental income yield. 

Several studies show that nearly 90% of all US-registered real estate properties are accessible only to accredited investors. This shows that many investment options are only available to a small number of investors. 

For instance, if you are an aspiring real estate investor from Indonesia, you can invest in tokenized real estate based in the United States. This access to international real estate properties was unimaginable until tokenization. 

High Liquidity

In tokenization, real estate properties are turned into tokens that investors or property buyers can hold. These tokens can then be easily traded to other investors. This easy and quick selling and buying of tokens not only makes the tokenized real estate sector highly liquid but also provides property owners with a sense of security, knowing that they can receive cash in exchange for their property or part of it quicker than they could traditionally. 

Property owners can receive cash in exchange for their property or part of it quicker than they could traditionally. Investors or buyers are also not burdened with carrying the investment for long periods.

Easy Property Management

Blockchain technology plays a significant role in the easy management of real estate properties with the help of smart contracts. Tokenized real estate properties do not need intermediaries to carry out the transactions. Self-executable smart contracts take care of the property transactions once the conditions are met. 


With blockchain technology comes the assurance of security and transparency. As smart contracts take care of the process, participants can see the whole transaction by themselves and see if everything is going according to plan. Due to the immutable nature of blockchain networks, it becomes nearly impossible to alter the transactions. 

Transaction Cost

Since buying and selling tokenized real estate property is digital, it does not require paperwork, bureaucracy, or other requirements that increase transaction costs. The automated process keeps the cost minimal, making the transaction affordable. 

KPMG study finds that a significant amount of time and money goes into a real estate transaction. Such transactions could sometimes take six months to 2 years and 1% to 3% of the assets’ value in fees, depending on the property. Tokenized asset transfers get done quickly and at a much cheaper rate. 

Secondary Market Trading

Traditionally, real estate markets are illiquid, and it might take months to sell or resell your property. In tokenized real estate, however, since investors purchase the tokens, they can easily sell these tokens further to other investors or in the secondary market. 

The real estate market has this limitation, but asset-backed tokens are easily tradable, further enhancing liquidity. 

Landshare Extends Hands to Property Owners

Landshare offers the ultimate real estate tokenization services that ensures investors as well as property owners get most benefits. We ensure all the features and offerings mentioned above available on the platform. Providing access to retail investors, accessibility to international real estate, high liquidity, transparent process, low transaction cost and secondary market trading, Landshare is committed to cater both ends in the real estate market: investors and property owners

In the End

We have explored that tokenization of real estate is more than just a fleeting trend; it is a transformative innovation reshaping the market. With enhanced accessibility for retail investors to global reach and high liquidity, tokenization is smashing long-standing barriers. 

The integration of blockchain technology makes the process transparent, secure, and efficient by reducing transaction costs and simplifying property management using smart contracts. Indeed, the future is digital, and the real estate sector is still catching up with the trend. Property owners can leverage tokenization and look forward to an emerging market that is more inclusive, efficient, and dynamic. 

About Landshare

Landshare is a U.S.-based platform dedicated to the tokenization of real estate properties. It enables investors to acquire fractional shares in residential properties using blockchain technology, streamlining the investment process and broadening the scope of who can invest in real estate. By integrating blockchain technology into the real estate market, Landshare offers tokenized property assets on its platform, making it possible for investments to start at just $50, thus democratizing the entry into property investment.

The platform employs Real World Asset (LSRWA) tokens, granting investors partial ownership in tangible property assets and marking a notable innovation in real estate investment. Landshare's utility token, LAND, has demonstrated its transactional effectiveness by successfully selling four tokenized properties on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), affirming its readiness for the market. Addressing the traditional inefficiencies and liquidity issues in real estate, Landshare positions itself as a critical player, offering promising prospects for growth and passive income generation.

May 26, 2024
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How Investors and Property Owners Reap the Benefits of Tokenization

How Investors and Property Owners Reap the Benefits of Tokenization

How can tokenization benefit investors and property owners alike? Jump in to learn more.



Landshare Team

The real estate market is witnessing a transformative shift with the introduction of blockchain technology, particularly through the concept of tokenization. This innovative approach is redefining property ownership, offering new opportunities for investment and liquidity. 

If you are an investor in real estate, you might have reaped the benefits of tokenized real estate investments. However, real estate tokenization not only opens a new avenue for real estate investors but also brings forth advantages to property owners. 

Tokenization allows property owners to convert real estate assets into digital tokens, thereby simplifying transactions and broadening investor access. Liquidity and fractionalization are key benefits in tokenized real estate but for property owners within the ecosystem could see more than this. 

In the following blog, let's explore more compelling use cases of tokenization for property owners including house flipping, partial sales, and tokenizing cash flows, backed by real statistics and figures to illustrate its growing impact.

What Benefits Real Estate Tokenization Bring?

Tokenization is a process of creating a digital identity of a tangible financial asset on blockchain which is unique and anonymous. This method takes the value of an asset on a chain. It brings benefits such as fractional ownership, liquidity, enhanced security and transparency. Currencies, commodities, real estate properties and art pieces are the common tokenized assets. 

As an investor, you can enjoy investing in multiple assets through fractional ownership reaping the benefits of varied returns on respective assets. Real estate sector is traditionally one of the most illiquid ones since it takes time to sell off a property which requires time and effort but tokenization solves such pain points. 

Just a few examples of how tokenization can be used for property owners

We have already discussed the pros and cons of tokenized real estate investments in earlier pieces. Along with the investors, tokenization resolves issues for property owners. The tokenized real estate properties can be sold off in units that increase higher chances of sale. Following are more crucial advantages of tokenized real estate for property owners. 

House Flipping

Traditionally the practice of purchasing properties, renovating them and then selling them in profit is house flipping. It needs a hefty amount upfront and since the market turns or unexpected costs are also crucial factors, there are risks included in the process. But inclusion of tokenization could mitigate these risks to some extent also resolving issues related to liquidity. 

The house flippers could sell fractional shares of the property as tokens in exchange for the required amount. Let’s say a flipper buys a property for $300,000 and needs $50,000 for renovations. Now they could issue 350,000 tokens valued at $1 each to raise the renovation funds. This way they can not only speed up the process but also manage to diversify the risk.

Partial Sales

Tokenization also allows partial sales that enable property owners selling a fraction of their property to different investors. Though the method could be useful for any real estate property, the markets with high-value properties such as the United States can benefit the most. This way the property owners bear no debt and it becomes a great alternative to home equity line of credit (HELOC).

Property owners can sell out their shares of property to a pool of investors after tokenizing it. For instance, a property owner takes 60% ownership and sells the rest 40% of the property. Along with the democratization of real estate investment, this approach also provides liquidity to owners to invest in more ventures or even make improvements in the real estate property.

Tokenizing Cash Flow

One of the innovative ways to secure the funding along with providing regular income to investors is through tokenization of rental properties’ cash flows. You as an owner of a real estate property that generates $10,000 per month through rent could use the method and tokenize this case flow while offering tokens that represent a share in the rental income. This method attracts investors seeking stable returns without the need for large capital investments. 

A Deloitte report states that by offering such fractional ownership and investment opportunities, tokenization could grow the liquidity of global real estate assets by over $1.4 trillion.

Benefits of Third-Party Tokenization with Landshare

At Landshare, we've dedicated ourselves to democratizing real estate investment, and our efforts have culminated in the Landshare RWA Token. This innovative product empowers anyone to generate passive income from real-world assets with an investment as low as $1.

The benefits of our tokenization process extend beyond just investors. Property owners—whether individuals, corporate entities, investment clubs, or funds—now have a powerful tool at their disposal. Through tokenization, both investors and property owners can cultivate a relationship that is mutually advantageous.

As we build on our strong base of RWA investors, our next objective is to enable property owners to tokenize their assets through the Landshare platform. This capability will allow them to raise funds and secure loans against their properties, enhancing the value provided to our existing LSRWA investors.

Tokenization offers property owners a range of strategic advantages. It isn't merely about listing properties for sale. Its true value lies in its ability to provide liquidity and allow for the fractional ownership of properties. Alternatively, they can borrow against the future cash flow from their properties, maintaining their stake while obtaining upfront cash. 

Landshare has always been taking bold and unique steps for the sake of community and is now looking to include property owners, who remain at the other end of spectrum, along with the investors. 

This initiative is set to broaden the array of properties available on our platform, diversify our offerings with new property types including vacation homes and commercial spaces, and expand our reach beyond the U.S. It also introduces new mintable NFTs, enriching our investors' options.

The Broader Impact and Future Outlook

The broader impact of real estate tokenization is significant, offering increased liquidity, reduced transaction costs, and enhanced market efficiency. A study by the World Economic Forum predicts that by 2027, 10% of the global GDP will be stored on blockchain technology, with real estate being a major component of this shift. 

This adoption indicates a robust future where tokenization not only makes real estate investment more accessible but also more integrated with global financial markets, allowing for seamless international transactions and diversified portfolios.

Tokenization stands out as a revolutionary tool in real estate, providing property owners and investors with novel ways to manage and profit from their assets. As the technology matures and regulatory frameworks develop, the possibilities for tokenization in real estate will likely expand, further unlocking the potential of properties as both investment vehicles and sources of revenue.

About Landshare

Landshare is a platform for tokenizing property in the United States. It allows investors to buy shares in residential properties through blockchain tokens. This method has simplified the investment process and made real estate investment accessible to a broader audience. Landshare merges blockchain technology with the real estate sector by offering tokenized real estate assets on its platform, enabling investments as low as $1 and democratizing access to property investment. 

The platform utilizes Real World Asset (LSRWA) tokens to offer investors shared ownership in actual property assets, which is a significant innovation in real estate investment. Landshare's utility token, LAND, has proven its transactional efficiency with the successful sale of four tokenized properties on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), showcasing its market readiness. By addressing inefficiencies and liquidity challenges in traditional real estate, Landshare is emerging as a pivotal player, providing attractive opportunities for growth and passive income.

May 8, 2024
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How Cross-Chain Systems Pave The Way For Tokenized Economies

How Cross-Chain Systems Pave The Way For Tokenized Economies

Learn how cross-chain interoperability can drive RWA adoption.



Landshare Team

As blockchain technology matures, its potential extends beyond digital currencies into the broader domain of tokenizing real-world assets (RWAs). From real estate to artworks and even intellectual property, the ability to tokenize physical assets has opened up new possibilities for investment, ownership, and exchange. 

A Boston Consulting Group report stated that the market size of the on-chain RWA market is expected to hit $16 Trillion by 2030. The massive market size showcases enormous possibilities for growth in the future. 

The evolution of technology towards a tokenized economy requires robust cross-chain technologies that facilitate seamless interoperability among diverse blockchain platforms. Here, we will explore what a tokenized economy looks like, why tokenizing real-world assets is transformative, and the crucial role of cross-chain solutions in this burgeoning ecosystem.

What Is Tokenization And How Does It Benefit the Financial Sector?

Tokenization involves converting the rights to an asset into a digital token on a blockchain. These tokens represent ownership or a claim to the underlying asset, allowing them to be bought, sold, or traded on digital platforms. The process democratizes access to investment opportunities and enhances liquidity, transparency, and efficiency in transactions.

Almost every other tangible financial asset can be tokenized today. Thanks to blockchain technology, commodities, currencies, real estate properties, arts, and many other similar assets can be traded in their tokenized versions. The concept of tokenization gained popularity quickly, and a huge amount of credit goes to the benefits it brings to the table. 

Advantages of Tokenized Economy Bringing Financial Empowerment 

Increased Liquidity: Tokenization can transform traditionally illiquid assets like real estate or art into divisible and easily tradable tokens. This broadens the market and reduces entry barriers for investors, making the asset more tradable and, hence, comparatively more liquid. For example, platforms like Landshare allow investors to purchase fractions of real estate properties as tokens, which they can sell on secondary markets without the need for lengthy and complex real estate transactions. This method greatly enhances liquidity in a market traditionally dominated by high thresholds for entry and exit.

Enhanced Transparency: Using blockchain ensures that all transactions are recorded on an immutable ledger, reducing the risk of fraud and increasing trust. For instance, the buying and selling of real estate properties have traditionally been opaque processes with layers of brokers, inspectors, and legal checks. However, with tokenized real estate transactions, every transaction from initial purchase to subsequent sales is recorded transparently on the blockchain.

Streamlined Processes With Automation: Blockchain technology can automate many of the processes involved in asset management through smart contracts, reducing the need for intermediaries and lowering transaction costs. The process is on-chain and requires no paperwork, which resolves a huge issue inherent to the trade of tangible assets like real estate. A notable example here is Maecenas, which allows users to buy and sell shares in fine art using blockchain. This system eliminates the need for auction houses and brokers, thereby reducing fees and streamlining the entire investment process in art, a market traditionally inaccessible to average investors due to high costs and complex buying processes.

Why Cross-chain is Crucial For RWA?

With the evolution of blockchain technology, the space is filled with many blockchain networks with distinct properties. It was important that these chains connected to each other to create a unified ecosystem, and that’s where Cross-chain systems came to the rescue. 

Cross-chain technology enables blockchain networks to communicate and share information, assets, and value. This interoperability allows users to transact across various blockchains without the need to exchange tokens through a central exchange, enhancing the efficiency and scalability of blockchain applications by connecting otherwise isolated networks.

For instance, Polygon (MATIC) offers extensive cross-chain capabilities through its Polygon Bridge, enabling seamless asset transfers between the Ethereum (ETH) blockchain and Polygon sidechains. This feature supports the movement of ERC tokens, NFTs, and other digital assets, facilitating interoperability and scalability. By using Polygon's cross-chain bridges, users benefit from faster transaction speeds and lower fees compared to Ethereum's mainnet, while maintaining robust security. 

Arbitrum (ARB) is another example where the Layer 2 scaling solution for Ethereum enhances its cross-chain capabilities primarily through compatibility with Ethereum's network. It allows users to execute Ethereum transactions more swiftly and at a lower cost, without sacrificing security. While it operates on top of Ethereum, Arbitrum doesn't have a native cross-chain bridge like Polygon but leverages Ethereum's security and connectivity.

Cross chain systems bring these benefits to the RWA sector further enhancing its reach. Tokenized assets could move across blockchain networks rather than limited to the native blockchain only. More the reach to multiple blockchains the more users it can cater. 

Benefits of Cross-Chain Solutions Within RWA Sector

Broader Market Access: RWA investors benefit from cross-chain systems by gaining access to a wider range of tokenized assets across multiple blockchains, optimizing their investment strategies. This not only broadens their market reach but also enhances liquidity in the RWA sector by including a diverse pool of investors.

Reduced Risk of Fragmentation: Cross-chain technology ensures interoperability across different blockchains, preventing market fragmentation and fostering a more unified ecosystem. Connectivity makes RWAs more accessible and prevents projects within the RWA sector from being isolated on single platforms, promoting broader adoption and integration.

Enhanced Scalability: Cross-chain solutions address scalability challenges that single blockchains face by distributing the load among multiple networks. The utilization of various networks’ strengths leads to more efficient handling of transactions and interactions, significantly enhancing the performance and scalability of RWA applications.

A significant advancement in cross-chain technology is the development of blockchain bridges, such as Polkadot and Cosmos, which aim to connect disparate blockchains to enable asset and data transfer. When the tech is integrated with the RWA sector, it brings significant results. 

Cross-chain technology significantly enhances the Real World Asset (RWA) sector by improving liquidity and market access. By enabling seamless transactions across various blockchains, it allows investors to diversify their portfolios with a broader range of tokenized assets, such as real estate or commodities. 

The volume of tokenized real estate assets like to increase largely due to improved interoperability provided by cross-chain platforms. This technology also reduces market fragmentation, creating a more cohesive and robust investment landscape, which further attracts a larger pool of global investors, driving the sector's growth and stability.

The Need for Interoperability in the RWA Sector

Cross-chain technology is crucial in the context of RWA because it enables interoperability between different blockchain platforms. This means that assets can move seamlessly across various blockchain networks, enhancing the functionality and reach of tokenized assets. Each blockchain would operate in isolation without cross-chain capabilities, limiting the potential for a truly global and integrated tokenized economy.

As more assets get tokenized on various blockchain platforms, interoperability becomes crucial. Cross-chain technology allows different blockchains to communicate and share information, enabling tokens and assets to move freely across diverse networks. 

The Future of Tokenized Economies and Multi Chain Integration

Integrating cross-chain technologies with tokenization efforts will likely redefine asset management and investment across multiple sectors. As regulatory frameworks evolve to accommodate these innovations, we can anticipate a more inclusive and efficient global market landscape.

As assets from real estate to artwork are tokenized, they become more accessible and liquid. Tokenization could unlock trillions in illiquid assets, significantly expanding global investment opportunities. According to a forecast by the World Economic Forum, the tokenized assets market could exceed $24 trillion by 2027. 

Integration of multichain systems will enable these tokens to operate across different blockchain platforms, enhancing the functionality and reach of each tokenized asset. This interoperability is critical to building a seamless, efficient global marketplace, bridging diverse economic sectors and geographies, and setting the stage for a more inclusive financial ecosystem.


The potential of a tokenized economy facilitated by cross-chain technology represents a significant shift in how we perceive asset ownership and investment. As this ecosystem continues to evolve, it promises to bring more inclusivity, efficiency, and transparency to the global economy. The journey towards a fully integrated tokenized world is complex and fraught with challenges, but the benefits could redefine the economic landscape for future generations.

About Landshare

Landshare is a platform for tokenizing property in the United States. It allows investors to buy shares in residential properties through blockchain tokens. This method has simplified the investment process and made real estate investment accessible to a broader audience. Landshare merges blockchain technology with the real estate sector by offering tokenized real estate assets on its platform, enabling investments as low as $50 and democratizing access to property investment. 

The platform utilizes Real World Asset (LSRWA) tokens to offer investors shared ownership in actual property assets, which is a significant innovation in real estate investment. Landshare's utility token, LAND, has proven its transactional efficiency with the successful sale of four tokenized properties on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC), showcasing its market readiness. By addressing inefficiencies and liquidity challenges in traditional real estate, Landshare is emerging as a pivotal player, providing attractive opportunities for growth and passive income.

April 16, 2024
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How Secondary Markets for RWAs Transform the Real Estate Landscape

How Secondary Markets for RWAs Transform the Real Estate Landscape

Explore the possibilities for secondary market trading of on-chain real estate.



Landshare Team

The advent of blockchain technology heralds a seismic shift in the real estate sector, promising unparalleled liquidity and accessibility through tokenizing real-world assets (RWAs). Traditionally we have seen the real estate sector as an illiquid asset class with high entry barriers but now it is reimagined by integrating on-chain secondary market trading of RWA tokens. 

According to CoinMarketCap, the market cap of real-world asset (RWA) tokens stands above $53.7 Billion. This substantial market cap shows us that the RWA sector in the crypto market is proliferating. The high pace of growth ensures that it will soon overlay a notable portion of the traditional real estate market. 

We can see how the RWA narrative has taken crypto space by the storm, and it has made a massive leap in the financial landscape. It is making tangible financial assets such as real estate investments more fluid, transparent, and accessible to a broader spectrum of investors. The amalgamation of RWA tokens with secondary market trading brings unprecedented advantages for you in the highly lucrative real estate investment sector. 

What Is Secondary Market Trading?

We can understand secondary market trading as trading of assets among buyers and sellers rather than with the companies or projects. A budding project in the crypto space launches a token through either an ICO, IEO, or IDO, which primarily trades native tokens in exchange of raising funds from investors. After the launch, when these tokens are up for trade among traders, it becomes a secondary market, and the trading becomes secondary market trading. 

NYSE and NASDAQ are, for instance, secondary market trading platforms, as they offer you to trade or invest in stocks. On the same note, trading on both centralized and decentralized crypto exchanges falls within secondary market trading. We can trade Bitcoin on crypto exchanges such as Coinbase or buy or sell Ethereum on decentralized exchanges like Uniswap. 

How Does RWA Token Secondary Market Trading Affect the Real Estate Sector?

Real-world assets (RWAs) refer to objects possessing tangible or intangible value, including but not limited to gold, fine art, and real estate. In 2024, the scope of these assets linked to the real world is set to broaden beyond the confines of physical space. The advancement of blockchain technology makes the expansion possessive, providing a unique on-chain identity to traditional assets. This innovation creates a novel concept known as the real-world asset token.

The global real estate market is over $630 Trillion today and is continually growing. It is expected to hit $729 Trillion by 2028. This also makes real estate investments one of the most lucrative investment vehicles due to huge returns, but they do come with their own shares of hassle. 

The real estate market is illiquid, and even a single transaction of buying or selling a property could take weeks or even months. In addition, it takes time to complete the extensive paperwork required for a transaction, making the whole process inefficient. 

With the introduction of real estate-backed RWA tokens, real estate property transactions can now be carried out faster, more transparently, and more efficiently. There's more to the phenomenon than just that; let's delve into the benefits of trading RWA tokens in secondary markets. 

  • Fractional Ownership: A Gateway to Enhanced Liquidity: The concept of fractional ownership, enabled by RWA tokens, demystifies real estate investment, allowing for the division of property into purchasable tokens. This approach significantly lowers investment thresholds, inviting participation from a wider demographic. The fractionalization of assets thus catalyzes market liquidity, with smaller investment portions facilitating quicker and more frequent transactions.
  • Streamlining Transactions: The Efficiency Paradigm: Blockchain technology accelerates the transaction process, cutting through the red tape that often encumbers real estate dealings. The traditional weeks-long wait for deal closure is condensed into transactions that can settle in minutes or hours, thanks to smart contracts and on-chain verifications. This efficiency not only boosts market liquidity but also enhances the appeal of real estate as an investment vehicle, promising quicker returns on investment.
  • Global Market Access: Expanding the Investor Pool: Tokenization propels real estate into the global market, offering investment opportunities beyond geographical confines. This global accessibility attracts diverse investors, further invigorating market liquidity. The borderless nature of blockchain facilitates an influx of capital from international investors, diversifying the investment base and stabilizing the market against local economic fluctuations.
  • Democratizing Real Estate Investment: The democratization of real estate investment through tokenization is perhaps its most revolutionary aspect. By breaking down financial barriers to entry, RWA tokens open the real estate market to small and medium investors, previously sidelined by the substantial capital requirements of property investment. This inclusive approach broadens the investor spectrum and instills a more dynamic and participatory market environment.
  • Cost Efficiency: Reducing the Financial Burden: Implementing smart contracts and eliminating intermediary fees through blockchain transactions lead to significant cost reductions. These savings extend to buyers and sellers, making investments more attractive and accessible. Furthermore, the reduced costs associated with transactions and management of real estate investments ensure a more efficient allocation of resources, optimizing returns for investors.
  • Security and Transparency: Building Trust: Blockchain's inherent transparency and security features play a pivotal role in building investor confidence. Each transaction's immutability and transparent record of ownership and transactions mitigate the risks of fraud and unauthorized transactions, fostering a secure investment landscape.

Project Making Noise In The RWA Segment

As mentioned above, the RWA crypto tokens already have a market cap of billions of dollars. Several projects are spearheading change within the space with unique propositions and offerings.

Landshare ($LAND) is among the rare projects that offer real estate-backed RWA tokens: Landshare RWA ($LSRWA). $LAND is the native utility and governance token that takes care of transactions and other operations over the platform.

The RWA token represents the unit of the pool of real estate properties 1:1. Landshare makes it possible for you to step into tokenized real estate investments with as low as $1. Landshare RWA tokens are playing a crucial role in changing the real estate investment landscape with unique propositions and offerings. 

Landshare is actively tackling the challenge of the lack of secondary trading options for most security tokens with a comprehensive three-pronged approach. The strategy includes on-chain valuations, ensuring transparency with up-to-date property valuations and cash reserves; fixed price liquidity, maintaining token value alignment with the underlying assets through controlled sales; and DEX Trading, aiming to foster a vibrant secondary market for LSRWA tokens by enabling unrestricted trading.

The upcoming listing of LSRWA Tokens on the DS Swap Security Token DEX is a significant milestone in this endeavor for Landshare. The on-chain real estate trading by offering instant settlements, no transaction fees, and the flexibility to trade against LAND or stablecoin pairs will be possible and it's a paradigm shift in making. 

The introduction of the DS Swap listing is expected to amplify trading dynamics by providing zero-fee liquidity pools, facilitating arbitrage opportunities, and allowing for higher trading limits. Landshare takes a leap in resolving the liquidity issues with the DS Swap Security Token DEX listing, promising a more fluid and accessible market for real estate tokenization.

Further enriching the ecosystem, Landshare plans to propose an LSRWA-USD liquidity pool, akin to the successful LAND-BNB LP, to incentivize LSRWA holders with rewards for contributing to liquidity. This initiative not only aims to elevate LSRWA's utility but also to broaden the trader base, mitigate price volatility, and ensure a more stable and liquid market environment. 

The Path Forward: Innovation and Opportunities

The tokenization of real estate assets paves the way for innovative investment models and financing mechanisms, from crowdfunded investments to yield-generating real estate funds. These developments promise to enrich the investment landscape and provide property owners and developers with novel avenues for funding and growth.

The listing of LSRWA Tokens on the DS Swap Security Token DEX represents a pivotal moment for Landshare, a huge change in on-chain real estate trading. Enabling instant settlements, zero transaction fees, and versatile trading against LAND or stablecoin pairs, this step will bring unprecedented liquidity in the space. It amplifies trading dynamics with zero-fee liquidity pools, arbitrage opportunities, and higher trading limits, marking a significant step towards solving liquidity issues and enhancing the accessibility of real estate tokenization.

RWA tokens' on-chain secondary market trading sets the stage for a more liquid, inclusive, and dynamic real estate market. By leveraging the power of blockchain technology, the real estate sector is poised for a transformation that promises to redefine the essence of property investment, making it more accessible, efficient, and attractive to a global audience of investors. 

The future of real estate investment is not just about owning property; it's about being part of a revolutionary movement toward a more democratized financial ecosystem.

April 3, 2024
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Beyond Traditional Boundaries: The New Era of Real World Asset (RWA) Tokenization

Beyond Traditional Boundaries: The New Era of Real World Asset (RWA) Tokenization

Read about the rise of real-world asset tokenization as a trillion-dollar industry.



Landshare Team

The world is moving fast and every now and then we see disruption in traditional industries by emerging technologies. Blockchain is undoubtedly a state-of-the-art technology which is changing the landscape across the industries. It keeps changing the fundamental operations and bringing better and efficient solutions. Tokenization of Real World Assets (RWAs) is possible due to blockchain technology and is on the way to becoming a trillion dollar industry. 

The RWAs could include a wide range of assets from the tangible financial or traditional physical world including real estate, commodities, artifacts, or even the digital tokens, the list goes on for real world assets. Although we are witnessing that the tokenization sector is on boom and spreading across different sectors, it is making a notable difference in real estate. A significant number of projects have surfaced in recent years that focus on tokenization of the real estate sector. 

Industry experts have recognized tokenization as an enterprise blockchain solution with huge potential in the future. Co-founder of crypto exchange Coinbase Fred Ehsram quotes that “Everything will be tokenized and connected by a blockchain one day.

Tokenization of RWA 

Tokenization is a process of representing the value of real world assets on blockchain. When an asset is represented as a digital token that can be exchanged and kept on a blockchain, this process is known as tokenization. We do not need middlemen, while secure and transparent record-keeping is made possible by distributed ledger technology, or blockchain.

Real World Assets (RWAs) includes tangible assets such as real estate properties and art pieces, financial instruments such as commodities, bonds, and equities and intangible assets intellectual property, data and identity. 

Data suggests that RWA tokenization emerged as a fast-paced segment across the DeFi space. According to DefiLlama, in December 2023, the RWA tokenization was sitting on total value locked (TVL) of around $5 Billion. 

Increased liquidity, fractional ownership, and easier transferability are just a few advantages that blockchain-based tokenization offers over conventional asset ownership and trade. Tokenized assets can be exchanged anywhere in the world, at any time, and without middlemen, which lowers expenses and expands the pool of possible investments.

Process of RWA Tokenization

Though tokenization is a typical procedure with technological aspects, still here we try to give a simple explanation. The tokenization process begins with determining the best method to digitize the chosen asset, which varies based on the asset's nature, such as a money market fund versus a carbon credit, and its classification as either a security or a commodity under relevant laws.

Next, if the asset has a tangible form, it is secured in a mutually agreed-upon location. Following this, a token representing the asset is created on a blockchain, with necessary compliance measures in place. This digital asset is then ready for distribution, requiring investors to use a digital wallet for storage and possibly trade on a secondary market with less stringent regulations. 

Post-distribution, the asset undergoes continuous management, including compliance with legal and financial reporting, to ensure its integrity and value are maintained.

Benefits RWA Tokenization Brings To The Table

RWA Tokenization is taking the world by storm and there are a number of reasons behind it in the form of benefits and offerings. It solves many inherent issues across the sectors along with bringing new age solutions. The solutions not only saves cost and efforts but end up making the traditional procedure more efficient and easy. Let’s talk about the advantages of RWA tokenization in depth.

Accelerated Settlements Through Constant Availability: Traditional financial settlements typically take up to few business days to complete, allowing time for all parties to prepare necessary documents and funds. Tokenization enables immediate settlements, offering potential savings, especially in environments with high interest rates, by facilitating round-the-clock transactions.

Reduction in Operational Expenses with Programmable Assets: Tokenization brings significant cost reductions in asset management, particularly for assets that traditionally require extensive manual intervention, like corporate bonds. By integrating functions such as interest computation and payment distributions into a token’s smart contract, these processes become automated, minimizing the need for manual oversight.

Opening Investment Opportunities to a Wider Audience: The efficiency gained from automating complex and labor-intensive processes makes it financially viable to serve a broader range of investors, including those with smaller capital. However, for this democratization to fully materialize, the distribution of tokenized assets must expand substantially.

Boosted Transparency Through Smart Contracts: The deployment of smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code, enhances the transparency of transactions. For instance, in the case of tokenized carbon credits, the blockchain can maintain a clear, unchangeable record of the credits' ownership and transactions.

More Flexible and Cost-effective Infrastructure: Leveraging blockchain technology, which is open source by nature, results in a more adaptable and less expensive infrastructure compared to traditional financial systems. This aspect of blockchain facilitates quicker adjustments to meet evolving regulations or operational demands.

Trends and Developments In RWA Industry

The landscape of RWA tokenization, or digitizing tangible assets through blockchain, is at a foundational stage with a promising outlook. As the underlying blockchain technology evolves and legal frameworks become more defined, this area is poised for notable expansion. RWA tokenization issuance is forecasted to reach $4 to $5 trillion by 2030.

Here's a snapshot of emerging trends in the realm of RWA tokenization:

Wider Acceptance: Anticipate a surge in the embrace of this innovation across diverse industries. Companies leveraging this approach stand to gain by making assets more liquid, slashing operational expenses, and widening the pool of potential investors.

Legal Frameworks Gaining Shape: The growth trajectory of RWA tokenization hinges on clear legal guidelines. Authorities are progressively understanding the value of these digital assets and are crafting laws to safeguard investors while promoting creative advancements.

Cross-Platform Exchangeability: The fluid exchange of tokenized assets among various blockchains and platforms is essential for the sector's vitality. Efforts are underway to establish norms and protocols that enable such seamless transfers, aiming to boost market liquidity and effectiveness.

Security Enhancements: With the rise in the value of digital assets, enforcing stringent security protocols is becoming increasingly crucial. Cutting-edge solutions, including decentralized verification and layered authentication measures, are being developed to fortify the safety of these assets.

DeFi Convergence: The intersection of RWA tokenization with the burgeoning sector of DeFi heralds the creation of innovative financial mechanisms. This amalgamation is set to offer unprecedented opportunities for decentralized financial activities, from lending and borrowing to generating passive income.

These evolving dynamics suggest a transformative phase for the tokenization of real assets, promising to redefine the contours of asset management and investment through increased accessibility, security, and market fluidity.

Industries With Growing Interest in Tokenization

There are a number of industries that saw a significant interest in tokenization of assets. The real estate sector has swiftly acknowledged the advantages offered by tokenizing. Transforming tangible real estate into digital tokens enhances trading efficiency and liquidity. This innovation provides investors with fresh opportunities, reduces entry obstacles, and enables partial ownership of premium properties. 

In addition to real estate, tokenization is transforming investment in art, collectibles, private equity, commodities, and venture capital. It democratizes access to high-value art and collectibles by allowing fractional ownership through digital tokens, enhancing portfolio diversification. 

In private equity, it streamlines capital raising and increases asset liquidity, making it easier for investors to trade shares in private companies. For commodities like gold and oil, tokenization offers a simplified trading mechanism, bypassing the need for physical handling. In venture capital, tokenizing startup equity facilitates capital raising and provides early-stage investors with liquidity, allowing them to realize returns without waiting for traditional exit events.

Avalanche is emerging as a key player in the RWA tokenization space, attracting major banks like JP Morgan, Citi, and Bank of America. These institutions are leveraging Avalanche's technology and Subnets to develop blockchain solutions for tokenizing funds, facilitating forex trades, and exploring broader asset tokenization opportunities.

Chainlink plays a crucial role in the tokenization of real-world assets, offering transparency, cost-effectiveness, and accessibility in financial transactions. Research by K33 highlights Chainlink's LINK as a secure choice for investors interested in RWAs' tokenization. Chainlink's platform enables the enrichment of RWAs with real-world data, secure cross-chain transfers, and connection to off-chain data, making it a key player in this emerging landscape. 

Growth Of Real Estate Tokenization And Emerging Players

The real estate sector market is one of the fastest growing industries worldwide. Statista report states that in 2021, the global real estate market size stood at $585 Trillion. It is expected to be a staggering $729.4 Trillion in 2028 with a CAGR of 3.4%. 

Source: Statista

Given the sheer size of the industry, tokenization of real estate has a huge potential in the near future. There are several projects already active in the space leading the way for the industry. We at Landshare intend to unlock the vast prospect of real estate for the masses. 

Landshare stands out in the real estate tokenization sphere through its innovative and reliable unique selling points. Our ability to successfully sell three properties via the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) highlights our operational proficiency and the market's endorsement of our approach.

The introduction of our Real World Asset (RWA) token, Landshare RWA ($LSRWA), opens up new opportunities for investors aiming for diversification and passive income. This token allows investors to access a selection of properties. Our platform's functionality and transactions are significantly supported by our native utility token, $LAND.

Beyond the fundamental benefits of tokenized real estate, we offer additional perks that enhance its appeal. Holding $LAND enables us to offer investors returns over 12%, while participating in $LAND-$BNB LP stake can yield rewards as high as 66%. Landshare's commitment to innovation, security, and profitability continues to propel us forward in the tokenized real estate market.

Real estate tokenization transforms property investment and management through several key benefits:

Enhanced Liquidity: Tokenizing real estate allows for the fractional buying and selling of property interests, significantly increasing market liquidity. This process enables smaller investments and makes it easier for owners to sell parts of their assets quickly, offering flexibility previously unseen in the traditional real estate market.

Accessible Fractional Ownership and Diverse Portfolio Opportunities: Democratization of real estate investment becomes possible by lowering entry barriers and enabling portfolio diversification across various properties and locations, thus reducing risk and potentially enhancing returns for a broader investor base.

Participation in Global Real Estate: Tokenization erases geographical boundaries, enabling global investment in local real estate markets. This not only broadens the investor base but also injects foreign capital into markets, potentially stabilizing property values and encouraging economic diversity.

Efficiency, Transparency and Low Transaction Fees: Tokenization enhances transaction efficiency, reduces costs, and speeds up processes by eliminating traditional bottlenecks and paperwork. It ensures transparency, recording every transaction to minimize fraud risks, thereby building investor trust. Additionally, it cuts down on intermediary fees, making investments more accessible and profitable.

Simplified Asset Management: Digital tokens simplify the management of real estate assets, from leasing to maintenance and sales. This efficiency reduces administrative burdens and costs, potentially increasing the profitability of real estate investments.

These advancements collectively represent a significant shift in how real estate is viewed, traded, and managed, offering unprecedented opportunities for investors and transforming the real estate landscape into a more inclusive, efficient, and secure market.

Closing Thoughts

The tokenization of Real World Assets (RWAs) represents a groundbreaking shift in how we view and manage assets across various industries. With its roots deeply entrenched in blockchain technology, tokenization is paving the way for a more efficient, transparent, and accessible market. The real estate sector, in particular, has seen a remarkable transformation through tokenization, offering benefits like increased liquidity, fractional ownership, and global participation. As we look towards the future, the potential for tokenization extends far beyond real estate, touching every corner of the investment world from art and commodities to intellectual property.

Landshare's initiative in real estate tokenization exemplifies the practical application and immense potential of this innovation, demonstrating how traditional barriers can be dismantled to unlock new investment opportunities. With the global real estate market poised for significant growth, the role of tokenization will undoubtedly expand, bringing with it a host of advancements in how we buy, sell, and manage assets. As industry leaders and pioneers continue to explore and invest in tokenization, the landscape of asset management is set for a revolution, making investment more democratic, secure, and efficient for all.

March 11, 2024
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Real Estate vs. Inflation: Does Tokenized Real Estate Measure Up?

Real Estate vs. Inflation: Does Tokenized Real Estate Measure Up?

Explore why experts view tokenized real estate as the ultimate hedge against inflation.



Landshare Team

Inflation is an economic phenomenon that shows the rate of increase in prices over some time. Typically, inflation is a broad measure, including the overall price increase or the cost of living in a country. It affects the purchasing power and could be severe across countries. In general, inflation is considered to eat away savings over time and, in most cases, even the profits of your investments. 

Since inflation could be fatal enough to diminish your profits, picking and choosing the assets that can give it a tough battle becomes crucial. And bear in mind that it should also beat it. In the long history of investments, real estate investments have proven their worth regardless of how bad the odds were. Experts have always believed that real estate is a hedge against inflation. An advent of tokenized real estate is also taking place in mainstream discussions. 

In today's fluctuating economic landscape, safeguarding your investment portfolio against inflation is more crucial than ever. As inflation erodes purchasing power and diminishes the actual value of money, experts frequently turn to real estate as a robust shield against these forces. This blog delves into why real estate is a bulwark against inflation, particularly its tokenized form.

What is Inflation?

The increase in prices of commodities, assets, or anything that can be purchased is inflation. The purchasing power of a currency decreases due to increasing inflation. For instance, consider the inflation rate in the United States at 3%. If you buy a toothbrush for $20 today, you would buy it for $20.6 the next year and $21.2 the following year. 

What should a 60 cents or $1.2 increase affect? The difference may not seem significant, but inflation is a burning issue since it burns purchasing power and, ideally, sitting savings. 

There are multiple factors to measure inflation in any given region or country. In the United States, there's the Consumer Price Index (CPI) that measures inflation. To gauge inflation, changes in commodity prices are tracked, and how much a customer pays for a basket of certain consumer goods is observed. Not all products or commodities see a price increase; some get cheaper, too. The mean cost of all the commodities brought us the inflation rate. 

Inflation affects investments in general to a large extent. Since the purchasing power decreases with soaring inflation, people prefer to pay for the basic requirements at present over making investments to generate profits in the foreseeable future. Now that the investments are less, the profit is even smaller, triggering a vicious cycle. 

Real Estate As Hedge Against Inflation

According to Goldman Sachs, "inflation can be a friend to real estate." This is true because the construction cost rises with increasing inflation, resulting in the appreciation of property prices. 2023 was uncertain where the world was moving towards inflation while the governments across countries worked to curb the rising prices, and a looming recession was on the other side.  

Macroeconomics evolved frequently during those times, and it became necessary for investors to keep their portfolios stable with some stable investment vehicle, such as real estate. Historically, the real estate market has proven its worth when weathering softer economic situations. 

The real estate market mostly runs ahead of inflation or at least follows it to a large extent, depending on the region. Construction cost is among the reasons behind appreciation in the real estate market. At the same time, demand and supply are crucial factors in deciding the price, as they do for every other product or service in the market. 

Why and How Does Real Estate Outperform Other Assets During Inflation?

Within the diverse array of investment options available today, including stocks, physical gold, gold ETFs, commodities, and floating-rate bonds, each presents its own set of advantages and drawbacks when it comes to hedging against inflation. However, real estate stands out as a historically reliable safeguard against inflation.

Global data since 1980 shows that commercial real estate has surpassed other investment classes in six out of seven inflationary cycles, showcasing its resilience in preserving value and performance amidst inflationary pressures. Inflation leads to a significant rise in the costs associated with constructing new properties, elevating the importance and value of existing properties. This scenario enhances the potential for increased rental income and improved liquidity from a real estate investment standpoint.

Emergence and Impact of Tokenized Real Estate

Now that you are convinced that real estate investments win over inflation, let’s talk about the changing landscape of real estate investments. The industry is witnessing a paradigm shift due to technological advancements. Tokenization is the process of bringing tangible real world assets (RWA) to blockchain technology. These assets include tangible financial investments such as commodities, currencies, and real estate. 

The real estate sector is moving towards tokenization with higher speed. The market size of tokenized assets can hit $10 Trillion by 2030, whereas the real estate tokenization market could swell to over $18 Billion by the end of this decade. Tokenized real estate investments make traditional investment methods better and more efficient. Entering the real estate sector becomes less complicated, needs less or no paperwork, and comes with better transparency and liquidity. 

A huge number of projects emerged in the past few years, such as Landshare, Centrifuge, Maple, Pendle, and several others. These projects are involved in tokenization of RWAs. 

Tokenized real estate brings more advantages than existing benefits of real estate investments. Tokenization of real estate makes fractional ownership of property possible. It lowers the threshold, making it feasible for many investors to foray into the real estate landscape. The investor base increases significantly, and more investors bring more liquidity. 

Landshare is highly active in the tokenized real estate sector selling three properties on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The native Landshare RWA (LSRWA) token facilitates a pool of properties for users to invest in real estate. Other similar projects are holding the baton of tokenized real estate and making a mark. 

To Sum Up

Real estate's tangible nature and the advent of tokenization have solidified its position as an unbeatable hedge against inflation. By offering tangible assets that appreciate over time, coupled with the innovative tokenization approach, real estate stands as a fortress for investors seeking to protect their portfolios from inflation's erosive effects. 

As we move forward, the fusion of traditional real estate investment with blockchain technology promises to redefine the landscape of inflation-resistant investments. Tokenized real estate, with its unique blend of accessibility, efficiency, and scalability, is at the forefront of this evolution. It offers a promising avenue for investors aiming to weather the storm of inflation.

March 5, 2024
This is some text inside of a div block.
Growth of Real Estate Tokenization

Growth of Real Estate Tokenization

Learn more about Landshare's role in the growth of real estate tokenization.



Landshare Team

The financial markets worldwide are witnessing paradigm shifts with inclusion of emerging technologies. Mckinsey report says that the new-age fintech has surged from the periphery to dominate financial services, with its market cap hitting $550 billion by July 2023, and the number of fintech unicorns reaching 272, valued at $936 billion. This growth, driven by innovation, digitization, and changing consumer demands, has seen fintech reshape financial services. 

We look at traditional investment sectors such as real estate and commodities markets that are also poised for transformation. One of the technological advancements that emerged recently is tokenization. 

The global real estate market is valued in trillions of dollars, yet it's characterized by low liquidity and high entry barriers. Tokenization is poised to unlock the value of illiquid assets and make them accessible to a wider range of investors. 

For the real estate market which is worth a whopping $600 Trillion as of now, tokenization is a game changer that can contribute to the sector’s growth and eliminate inefficiencies to a large extent. Several cryptocurrency projects, such as Landshare ($LAND), have also emerged in the past several years dedicated to the tokenization of the real estate sector. 

Let’s dive deeper into the subject and try to understand what is on the other side of the innovative intersection of real estate and blockchain technology and how Landshare-like platforms play a crucial role in achieving success. 

What is Tokenization?

Tokenization is a process of issuing a digital representation of an asset over a blockchain. The process ensures digital representation of tangible financial assets over blockchain. A tokenized version of a physical asset does not only keep the inherent traits but also eliminate the shortcomings. 

The process of tokenization includes token issuance, sale of the token, and then custody of the security token. However, the process of ownership includes asset’s going through tokenization which is then divided into a certain number of tokens where each token represents a percentage of the property possession. 

The market size of tokenization was $2.3 Billion by 2021 but the sector is likely to see significant growth in the future given the expected compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 19%. The market size could swell up to $5.6 Billion by 2026. 

In terms of real estate tokenization, any property can be converted into security tokens over blockchain. These tokens would now represent the value of a unit of real estate property. The popular term for such tokens is Real World Asset (RWA) tokens. 

Traditionally, the buying and selling of real estate properties comes with much of a hassle. First up it requires a hefty amount of upfront capital to buy the asset. It takes a lot of time and effort to do paperwork for the property handover. The process is not transparent and there’s always a scope of oversight. Also, there are a lot of constraints for a buyer willing to buy a foreign property. 

How Does Tokenization Ease Real Estate Investment?

Tokenization of the real estate market brings unprecedented advantages for one of the biggest investment sectors in the world. Real estate investments are among the few investments with lucrative yet stable returns. The tokenized version brings additional features making it even more attractive. 

  • Liquidity Made Possible: Real estate is known for its illiquidity, as buying and selling properties can take months. Tokenization of real estate allows the properties to be divided into digital shares, or RWA tokens. These tokens then further can be traded much like stocks on an exchange resulting in enhancing liquidity.
  • High Entry Barrier: Traditional real estate investments often require significant capital. This used to limit access to wealthy individuals or institutional investors. Tokenization lowers the entry barrier, allowing investors to buy real-estate backed RWA tokens representing fractional ownership at a much lower cost.
  • Enhanced Transparency and Security: The blockchain is an immutable ledger which ensures transparency, security, and tamper-proofing of all the transactions. This reduces the possibility of fraud to a large extent and increases trust among investors. Whole property transactions and procedures are stored on this ledger. 
  • Access to International Real Estate Assets: One of the significant advantages by tokenization of real estate is giving buyers global access. Tokenization enables investors from around the world to invest in real estate markets around the world without the complexities of cross-border transactions. This, as a result, broadens investment opportunities and diversification.
  • Efficiency and Increased Speed: Inclusion of blockchain brings the ability to use smart contracts-like features which helps in automating the transactions like operations. Tokenization streamlines the buying and selling process, reducing the need for intermediaries, lowering transaction costs, and increasing the speed of transactions. This can be done using smart contracts that are executed automatically once all the conditions are met. 
  • Fractional Ownership: The revolutionary change because of tokenization comes in the form of fractional ownership. Investors can purchase fractions of property rather than prerequisite of buying it whole. It democratizes access to real estate investments and also allows for portfolio diversification even with limited capital. 
  • Improved Asset Management: Tokenization can facilitate easier and more efficient management of real estate assets. Blockchain based smart contracts can take care of operations from leasing to maintenance. 

Differences Between Traditional and Tokenized Real Estate Investments

Tokenized real estate investments are different from traditional real estate investments. However, the differences do not make any one of them superior then the other. Instead, the tokenized real estate is only going to complement the traditional sector. The comparison between the two should clear the picture to a large extent for better understanding. 

Real Estate Features Comparison

Real Estate Features Comparison

Features Traditional Real Estate Tokenized Real Estate
Accessible ✔️
Liquid ✔️
Instant Trading ✔️
Global Investment ✔️
Digital Ownership ✔️
Transparent ✔️
Defined Regulations ✔️

Challenges In Front of Real Estate Tokenization

Though tokenization has noteworthy benefits, there are several challenges in front of the growing sector that needs to be addressed. 

Regulatory compliance becomes one of the hurdles in front of real estate tokenization. Since it's an emerging market, the regulatory bodies across the countries might still need some time to come up with regulations to keep the scrutiny without compromising on the sector's growth. 

Akin to regulatory compliance, the newness of the tokenized real estate market makes it relatively tough for people to accept. The financial markets are still figuring out and may take time to completely trust and accept the new investment vehicle. 

Growth Potential of Tokenized Real Estate Market

The global real estate market is expected to hit a staggering value of $637.8 Trillion in 2024. The projected annual growth rate is 3.4% CAGR. And considering the expected growth rate, the real estate market is going to be worth $729.4 Trillion by 2028. 

A report by the World Economic Forum predicted that by 2027, 10% of the world's GDP will be tokenized — with a significant portion of this potentially in the real estate sector. To put this into perspective, world GDP in 2027 is expected to hit $130 Trillion and hence the tokenized asset market will be worth around $13 Trillion. This number suggests a huge growth potential for the tokenized market in the coming years. 

Landshare’s Unique Approach to RWA Investment

The Landshare Ecosystem takes a unique approach to tokenized real estate, combining the benefits of RWA investment with the opportunities provided by DeFi features such as staking and LP Farming.

Our approach to the real estate tokenization market is underscored by our unique selling propositions, reflecting both innovation and reliability. The successful sale of three properties on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC) serves as a concrete demonstration of our operational capabilities and market acceptance. 

Furthermore, the launch of our Real World Asset (RWA) token, Landshare RWA ($LSRWA), introduces new avenues for investors seeking diversification and passive income. RWA tokens represent a pool of properties for you to invest in at once, reducing risk through diversification.

For instance, we acquire a real estate property in Cleveland for $118,000 and add the asset to the RWA Pool. Each RWA Token represents a share of the total pool, providing a clear and tangible stake in the investment.

Our native utility token, $LAND, plays a crucial role in transactions and operations across the platform. 

In addition to the core advantages of tokenized real estate, we bring forth extra features for DeFi-centric users. By staking the $LAND token, investors can earn 12% APR, while engaging in staking with $LAND-$BNB LP presents the potential for rewards up to 66%. 


The financial markets are undergoing a transformative shift with the advent of technologies like blockchain, particularly in the real estate sector. Landshare and similar platforms are at the forefront, merging blockchain with real estate to enhance accessibility, efficiency, and transparency. 

Tokenization is revolutionizing investment by making real estate more accessible and liquid, signaling a future where investing in tangible assets is more democratized. We, at Landshare, are playing our role in this evolution, demonstrating the potential of tokenized real estate and its significant economic implications. This movement isn't just a trend but a pivotal change set to redefine investment landscapes globally.

February 27, 2024
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Landshare Development Update — February 27th, 2024

Landshare Development Update — February 27th, 2024

In this update, we highlight upcoming integrations with several amazing projects across the RWA Space.



Landshare Team

Hello everyone, and welcome to the latest Development Update! It’s been a little over 2 months since we released the Landshare RWA Token, our most ambitious platform update yet. This update was the result of several months of hard work from the whole team, but we knew it only represented the first step in building the tokenized real estate ecosystem that we envision for Landshare.

After the successful launch, we immediately started thinking about what we needed to accomplish next to continue moving Landshare. As a result, we crafted 4 Core Priorities for 2024:

  • Increased accessibility & integration: Making it easier to access Landshare’s core features; providing additional value through new partnerships and listings
  • Visibility & Community Engagement: Spreading the word about Landshare; leveraging the power of our community to assist in those efforts; creating opportunities for the community to provide direct and actionable feedback
  • Feature development & app improvements: Continuing to build upon and improve our existing features; developing new features which improve the usability and utility of the LAND and LSRWA Tokens; identifying and fixing bugs
  • Property expansion & diversification: Seeking new opportunities in the real estate space; providing RWA Holders with a diversified and expanded property investment pool

Each of our 4 Core Priorities are represented in our Q1-Q2 Roadmap:

In this update, we’re putting a special spotlight on our upcoming partnerships and integrations with several amazing projects across the RWA Space. We also have a major update on one of our top initiatives to improve platform accessibility, some new DAO proposals, and a new quality-of-life update about to go live.

Finally, we have an important update for all users and traders.

Let’s dive in!

Card payments

Rapid onboarding is paramount to a deeper level of engagement with the platform, and one of the biggest hurdles to new users is funding gas tokens for a DEX swap or signing up for a new exchange account. As a result, credit card payment options have been on our radar for a very long time.

As part of our 2024 Roadmap, we’re finalizing an agreement with a trusted crypto payment processor to finally enable credit and debit card payment options for our platform! This integration will enable eligible users to purchase up to $500 in LAND directly from the website or app, eliminating one of the most common barriers for new users.

The card payment option is expected to go live next week and will initially support only the LAND Token. However, we’re also working to enable LSRWA purchases through the same process. Stay tuned!

Dark Mode

After many requests from the community and a successful DAO vote, we’ll be adding a dark mode option to the app in the coming days. To enable dark mode, scroll to the bottom of the page and move the slider to the nighttime position when the update goes live.

New DAO Proposal: Referral System

A new proposal has hit the Landshare DAO, designed to create a referral system for Landshare RWA Tokens. Here is a summary of the proposal:

Why should we implement a Referral System?
As we strive to enhance user engagement and expand our user base, it’s essential to leverage the power of referrals, because this is one of the best Marketing Tools that exist. One other Positive is, that you only pay for the Marketing when the user did the Action — in this case, he buys the $LSRWA-Token.
How exactly could that work?
Im thinking about a PPL (Pay Per Lead) Programme, where the refferer is reffering a new user to buy $LSRWA-Tokens. The referrer would then be rewarded after the reffered person held the $LSRWA Token some time (1–6 Months perhaps). This additional Time is neccessary to frontrun abuse of the System.
We could also give the referred Person a little benefit (discount, NFT, whatever) for his 1st Purchase, after he held some time, to make the System even more attractive.
How to finance?
This could be financed by a part of the normally burned Land Tokens (of every buy) for example. Instead of burning the full 10% of $LAND of a Buy, we could just burn 7,5% and the remaining 2,5% goes to the refferer as a reward.

Click here to read the full proposal and cast your vote. If passed, the team will construct a refined version of the proposal for the Quarterly DAO Vote at the end of Q1.

Upcoming Integrations

Over the past several months, we have been in discussions with dozens of amazing projects in the emerging RWA space. We always seek new opportunities to expand our product accessibility, utility, and visibility through integrations and partnerships. In this section, we’ll be covering a few of our future integrations, but as always — there’s more to come!

Chainlink CCIP

The future of markets is on the blockchain, and the future of blockchain is cross-chain. It is more important than ever to develop applications that are seamlessly interoperable across multiple blockchain networks. We envision the Landshare RWA Token as a DeFi-integrated, omni-chain asset for the tokenized future.

The first step in this process is the integration of Chainlink CCIP, a secure blockchain interoperability protocol built by Chainlink Labs. CCIP enables seamless cross-chain token transfers and allows us to craft a multi-chain ecosystem. When fully integrated, most or all features available on BSC will also be available on all other supported chains.

Once implementation is complete, CCIP will allow us to build partnerships and integrations with virtually any project across the RWA Space, improving the utility and accessibility of our core features. Integrations are one of our 4 Core Priorities for the year, and CCIP is the crucial first step to unlocking these opportunities.

Plume Network

Plume is the first modular L2 blockchain dedicated to all real-world assets (RWAs) that directly integrates asset tokenization and compliance providers into the chain.

We recently had a Twitter Space with Plume’s co-founder, Teddy, and have had additional discussions with the Plume Network team behind the scenes. We are excited about their vision and are planning to build on the Plume Network as part of our broader cross-chain strategy.

Plume is still in the Testnet phase, but we are looking forward to building with them all the way to the Mainnet launch. Stay tuned for more announcements regarding this partnership soon!

IX Swap

IX Swap is an RWA platform that offers trading solutions akin to Uniswap for Real-World Assets (RWA) & Security Tokens (STO). This is precisely the type of product we feel is necessary for the development of a vibrant RWA ecosystem, so we knew IX Swap was a perfect fit.

Initially, we will be collaborating with IX Swap for Twitter Spaces and other activities to spread the word about the RWA narrative and how DeFi primitives like decentralized exchanges (DEX) can help craft a tokenized economy for the future. Later this year, we plan a full integration, including LSRWA integration into the IX Swap ecosystem. Ticker Change will be changing our token symbol from LAND to LANDSHARE and plans to take the deposit, withdrawal and trading services for Landshare (LAND) offline, including spot trading, quantitative trading, and liquidity mining on February 28, 2024, 06:00 A.M. UTC. After the renaming is completed, Landshare will be relisted with the new token symbol LANDSHARE.

This renaming is merely a change in name and does not involve any blockchain migration. users don’t need to do anything in particular. To read the full announcement post from Gate, click here.

Closing Thoughts

To wrap up this development update, we want to sincerely thank our community for their continued support and enthusiasm. The past few months have been incredibly productive, and our upcoming integrations will take us one step closer to a fully realized tokenized real estate ecosystem.

We also understand that many members are eagerly awaiting news about new exchange listings and other developments not mentioned in this post. Rest assured, we are working hard to deliver the entire roadmap in the expected time frame and will have more information to share in future updates.

Last but not least, we’d like to extend a warm welcome to all of our new community members! We’ve seen some exceptional growth in recent weeks and expect to see this trend continue as the RWA narrative continues to gain momentum. If you’re new or have been away for a while, be sure to check out our guides to learn about all the ways you can earn with Landshare’s ecosystem:

As always, if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions, don’t hesitate to reach out to us on our Telegram group or other social media channels. Remember — your participation and feedback are vital to the success of Landshare!

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December 28, 2023
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Landshare Roadmap: Q1-Q2 2024

Landshare Roadmap: Q1-Q2 2024

Learn more about our plans for 2024, including new features and listings.



Landshare Team

As the year winds down, we’re immensely grateful to our dedicated community members, collaborators, partners, and everyone who has worked with us as pioneers in the RWA space. 2023 was a year to remember for Landshare, and we have even bigger ambitions for 2024!

In this article, we’re capping off 2023 by celebrating the year’s top achievements, outlining our core priorities going forward, and providing a detailed roadmap for the first half of 2024. Let’s dive in!

2023 Highlights

Tokenized House Flip

Early this year, we completed the first ever tokenized house flip, netting a 10%+ ROI in just a few months for our participants. In this process, we transformed a distressed property into something brand new, drastically increasing the property value. You can read about the renovation from start to finish in our Follow the Flip series.

Landshare DAO

This year also marked the launch of the Landshare DAO, which puts high-level decisions into the hands of LAND holders through a decentralized governance model. With this feature, LAND holders can control token emissions, staking rewards, treasury funds, and launch marketing initiatives autonomously.

To learn more about the Landshare DAO and how you can help shape the future of Landshare, be sure to check out our Deep Dive article and the Landshare Docs.

Real World Explorers

At the end of September, we launched an extensive community incentive program with a prize pool of 35,000 LAND tokens. During this period, we achieved 2.5 million impressions on social media, gained 1200 new token holders, received over 3000 registrations on the DS Dashboard, and welcomed several thousand new followers on X and Telegram community members.

This Friday, December 29th, we officially conclude the Zealy Sprint, marking the completion of the Real World Explorers program. The top 215 leaderboard participants will receive delightful New Year gifts from a 4,000 LAND prize pool.

We thank each explorer for their contributions and eagerly anticipate the opportunity to share what we have in store for the Landshare Shill Army.

Landshare RWA Token

To finish 2023 with a bang, we released our most ambitious update yet — the Landshare RWA Token!

With this new token, we’ve fundamentally reimagined our tokenization model, establishing a simple and secure way to gain exposure to real estate directly on-chain. Along with the new Token, we’ve introduced on-chain property valuations via Chainlink, new secondary trading market options, a UI/UX overhaul, and substantial improvements to the NFT ecosystem.

For more information about the RWA Token Update, be sure to check out the following resources:

2024 Roadmap

With the final days of 2023 ticking away, we’re setting our sights on the agenda for the new year. We have established 4 Core Priorities for 2024, each of which will guide our decisions throughout the year. Our roadmap is built as an extension of these priorities, with each item serving to advance one or more of them.

  • Increased accessibility & integration: Making it easier to access Landshare’s core features; providing additional value through new partnerships and listings
  • Visibility & Community Engagement: Spreading the word about Landshare; leveraging the power of our community to assist in those efforts; creating opportunities for the community to provide direct and actionable feedback
  • Feature development & app improvements: Continuing to build upon and improve our existing features; developing new features which improve the usability and utility of the LAND and LSRWA Tokens
  • Property expansion & diversification: Seeking new opportunities in the real estate space, providing RWA Holders with a diversified and expanded property pool


  • New CEX listing
  • Cross-chain capabilities
  • Landshare Shill Army
  • RWA Token listing on DS Swap
  • Card payments for LAND and RWA Token
  • New property NFTs
  • Dark mode for Landshare App
  • App improvements and bug fixes

Year-long and Ongoing Updates

  • New Properties & Diversification
  • Quarterly DAO Voting for Development Roadmap
  • Regular Community Townhalls
  • Integrations and collaborations with other RWA projects

Over time, we have discovered that the most effective way to increase visibility and engagement with the platform is through grassroots, community driven programs and insightful write-ups from Key Opinion Leaders across multiple platforms. To this end, we’re crafting several new initiatives designed to increase visibility and leverage the power of community.

Landshare Shilling Army

As part of the Real-World Explorer program, we frequently conduct shilling quests where users share information about Landshare, thereby boosting awareness of our updates and events. While this approach has been effective, we recognized the need for a modernized version, and that’s exactly what we’ve achieved with the Shilling Army.

We’re now going beyond mere likes and retweets, delving into more meaningful engagement. We’ve created distinct categories for creatives, influencers, shillers, and a plethora of user-generated content that will be ready to launch in mid-January. More details about this campaign, including information on how to participate and fulfill requirements, will be shared tentatively on January 16. Stay tuned so you don’t miss out.

Key Opinion Leaders

As many influential voices in the crypto space focus in on the RWA narrative, it’s crucial to continue our work with Key Opinion leaders across the crypto space. We are focused on creators who craft well-researched, highly informative content which clearly highlights the benefits of our platform in a way that is accessible to a wide audience.

Landshare DAO Grants

Many of our community members may be familiar with the DAO Grant Program and content creation contests. In 2024, we’ll be doubling down our efforts, engaging community members and up-and-coming content creators to produce high-quality, insightful content across multiple domains.

Next up, we must ensure that the platform’s features are easily accessible and well-integrated with other projects. By breaking down barriers to entry and expanding integrations, we make it easier to get into Landshare and even improve the project’s visibility in the process.

New Exchange Listing

Although decentralized exchanges (DEXes) like Pancakeswap are a backbone of DeFi, many users prefer centralized exchanges as a way to buy and sell tokens. To make it easier for these users to get started with Landshare, we intend to list the LAND token on a new centralized exchange early in the year. This will not only allow us to reach more users, but also improve liquidity and opportunities for existing LAND holders.

Cross Chain Capabilities

As crypto moves to an increasingly multi-chain and cross-chain future, it’s imperative that our platform features are accessible through multiple chains. Cross-chain is one of our top priorities, and has been on the radar for a long time. With our latest platform updates as well as new advancements in cross-chain protocols, we have finally established a clear path towards a multi-chain Landshare ecosystem.

With cross-chain comes multiple benefits, including new partnership opportunities, wider access to platform features, and enhanced security. As one of our top priorities for H1 2024, we will continue to provide updates on the development of this feature, including a deep dive article in the coming weeks.

RWA Token Listing on DS Swap

After taking a major step forward with on-chain valuations [link] and fixed price liquidity for RWA Tokens, we will further expand secondary market options with a DS Swap listing for LSRWA. DS Swap will enable the exchange of LSRWA in an active secondary market, similar to Pancakeswap or Uniswap.

Card payment options

Funding a Web3 wallet like Metamask can be a major hurdle for DeFi newcomers. In order to smooth out the onboarding process, we intend to enable credit and debit card payment options for the LAND Token.

Our development will also be hard at work crafting new features and updates for the Landshare App. In addition to some new features yet to be announced, here are the top priorities for our development team entering in the new year.

NFT Migration & New NFTs

In the very near future, we will be completing the NFT migration process for existing NFT holders. With the new system, RWA Token Holders will be stack multiple NFTs for a single yield multiplier against their staked RWA Tokens.

Shortly thereafter, we will release our 3rd NFT for the newest Landshare property, LSCH. With this launch will also come a number of promotions and events designed to bring new users into the Landshare NFT ecosystem. With all 3 NFTs in possession, RWA Token holders can earn 40%+ APR in addition to the gains from rental yields and appreciation!

Dark mode for Landshare App

Dark mode has been a commonly requested feature and was passed via DAO proposal with an 81% vote. Accordingly, we will be launching this feature for the Landshare App early in the year.

App Improvements

Our recent Bug Bounty produced some excellent reports and feedback from the community. Our development team will be hard at work fixing existing bugs and making improvements to the Landshare App based on the feedback provided.

Multi-chain functionality for existing features

Bringing LAND and LSRWA to multiple chains is beneficial unto itself, but far less valuable if key features like staking, governance, and NFTs are not available on those other chains as well. As part of our cross-chain strategy, we will be working to ensure each of our core features has seamless cross chain interoperability, so whether you’re on BSC or another network, everything will work exactly the same.

Quarterly DAO Voting

The Landshare DAO has received several feature requests, and we want to create a streamlined way for LAND Holders to have a direct impact on the development roadmap. Starting at the end of Q1, the development team will assemble all feature requests from the DAO, as well as other ideas from the team or community, and create a single proposal which allows the community to vote for their top priorities.

Unlike a simple Yes/No proposal, the Quarterly DAO Vote will allow you to distribute your voting power across multiple options, based on how important you feel they are. The development team will then assess the results and use them to prioritize development resources, with the top vote-getters receiving special attention. This is a way for the community to provide direct feedback on our development roadmap and request new features for the platform, and a way for the development team to deliver on the community’s top concerns in a timely manner.

Last but not least, our 4th Core Priority is all about expanding and diversifying the real estate offerings for RWA Token holders. By expanding our selection, we not only reduce risk through diversification but also appeal to a wider range of potential investors.

To this point, we’ve focused on single family rentals and house flips. While we do intend to continue investing in these areas, we will be exploring several new options as well. By expanding our selection, we not only reduce risk through diversification but also appeal to a wider range of potential investors.

Some examples we’re exploring include short-term rentals, multi-unit properties, and mixed-use properties. The new RWA Token model also gives us the flexibility to try different strategies, including fix and hold projects or appreciation plays. Each type of investment comes with its own pros and cons, so we’ll continue to assess the market to find the best fit for our investors.

Closing Thoughts

As the RWA narrative captivates the crypto landscape, our sights are set on a new year marked by extraordinary growth. This roadmap serves as a launchpad for what lies ahead, and we invite you to join us at our Community Town Hall on December 29th at 12 PM CST, and be sure to submit your questions here. Your insights will help shape the future, so let’s unite and propel Landshare to new heights in 2024 — our biggest year yet!

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December 21, 2023
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Landshare RWA Token: Utilities and Tokenomics

Landshare RWA Token: Utilities and Tokenomics

Learn more about Landshare's real estate-backed token, LSRWA



Landshare Team

The RWA Token is a brand-new real estate token coming soon to the Landshare ecosystem. Backed by a variety of yield generating real estate assets, the RWA Token streamlines and simplifies investment for all types of users! With easy entry, healthy liquidity, and additional utilities, the RWA Token embodies what real estate on the blockchain should look like.

In this article, we will take a closer look at the tokenomics, utilities, and inner workings of this new system. If you’re new to Landshare or would like to learn more about the RWA Token as whole, please read our Feature Preview article for all of the details.

What are the utilities of the RWA Token?

Upon launch of the RWA Token update, the Landshare ecosystem will feature two different tokens: the Landshare Token (LAND) and the Landshare RWA Token (LSRWA). Each token serves a different role in the ecosystem.

The LAND Token is the platform governance and utility token, serving as a means of exchange, voting, payment, and access. The RWA Token, on the other hand, is a real estate backed security token that represents the value of RWAs. They are separate but equally important components of Landshare.

In the coming sections, we will be covering the unique utilities of the Landshare RWA Token. To learn more about the platform utility token, LAND, please click here.

Real Estate Backed

Each RWA Token represents a share of a pool of US-based real estate assets. This is made possible through tokenization, which is the process of converting real world assets (RWAs) into tokens on the blockchain. The value of each RWA Token grows proportionally with the value of underlying properties and the cash flow they produce, allowing investors to benefit by simply holding over time.

Unlike other cryptocurrencies, the RWA Token represents a legally binding share in the property holding company. This means that as an RWA holder, you are entitled to the same legal protections as an investor in a traditional company. This makes the RWA Token a simple and secure way to gain exposure to real estate directly on-chain.

DeFi integrations

Our goal with the RWA Token is to leverage the unique advantages of being an on-chain asset. This includes the ability to trade instantly and automatically with decentralized exchanges (DEXes), and to leverage your investment utilizing other systems, including borrow/lend protocols. In this way, the RWA Token is designed to work like any other DeFi asset.

Landshare NFTs

The existing NFT ecosystem will transition from our existing Asset Token to the new RWA Token. Landshare NFTs allow you to stake RWA Tokens and earn LAND rewards by upgrading and maintaining your virtual property. These rewards stack with what you already earn from the RWAs themselves and are a great way to boost your returns. For more information on the NFT ecosystem, see here.

An Alternative Safe Haven

The Landshare RWA Token offers something for every crypto trader, even if they aren’t interested in real estate investment. Unlike USD stablecoins, the Landshare RWA Token is transparently backed 1:1 by RWAs and can grow in value over time. The asset-backed nature of RWA Tokens means they are not subject to the wild swings commonly seen in the crypto space. In this way, RWA Tokens offer an excellent safe haven for crypto investors.

How do the Tokenomics work?

The RWA Token is designed to maintain a relative peg with the underlying real estate assets it represents. Each RWA Token represents a share of the pool of underlying properties, which also includes the rental income they produce. A simple calculation is used to determine the value of each RWA Token:

RWA Token Value = (Total Property Value + Total Cash Reserves) / Circulating RWA Token Supply

The RWA Token can be bought or sold on the Landshare platform for its underlying value based on the calculation above. This ensures adherence to the value of underlying assets and price stability in secondary markets such as DEX trading.

Now that we understand how the RWA Token’s value is determined, let’s break down each component of the calculation.

Total Property Value

The value of properties is estimated using Corelogic AVM, which utilizes real estate information such as comparable sales, property characteristics, and price trends to provide a current estimate of market value for a specific property. Corelogic AVM is widely used in the real estate industry to estimate the value of properties, including by clients like

The estimated values of each property are added together and automatically brought on-chain via Chainlink Any API and Chainlink Automation. This allows our smart contracts to store the latest price of the properties at all times.

Total Cash Reserves

In addition to property values, the RWA Token will benefit from the rental income generated by properties. Cash reserves may include USD in a bank account or stablecoins on-chain. Similar to property values, every time the cash reserves change, the updated total will be stored on-chain.

Combining total cash reserves and total property value determines the total underlying RWA in the pool, so the final step of the calculation is to determine the value of each individual token.

Circulating RWA Supply

The circulating RWA supply will include all tokens sold to investors. This total does not include unsold tokens from the offering. As tokens are sold from the offering, circulating supply will increase. Meanwhile, the proceeds enter the cash reserves, maintaining equilibrium as supply expands. In some cases, circulating supply may be reduced through redemption events.

Closing Thoughts

A real estate-backed token should look and feel just like any other token on the blockchain. We’ve designed the RWA Token with that in mind — focusing on ease of use, DeFi integration, healthy liquidity, and additional utilities.

The RWA Token will also boost the utility of our existing LAND utility token. Each token serves a complimentary function in the Landshare ecosystem, and both are equally crucial to the functioning of our platform. To read more about the interaction between LAND and the RWA Token, check out our previous Development Update.

We expect to determine a launch window very soon. In the meantime, you can look forward to upcoming events and campaigns to help get the word out about the RWA Token! If you haven’t already, be sure to check out our Feature Preview article for more information on the RWA Token.

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December 18, 2023
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Landshare <> Boson Protocol AMA Session: Highlights and Summary

Landshare <> Boson Protocol AMA Session: Highlights and Summary

Get the summarized version of our AMA with Boson



Landshare Team

Last Thursday, our CEO Jordan Friske sat down with Justin Banon from Boson Protocol for a thoughtful AMA session about both projects as well as the past, present, and future of RWAs. The full recording of the space is available to listen to here.

If you’re unable to catch the full AMA, don’t worry — we’ve got you covered! In this article, we’ll summarize some of the biggest takeaways for the Landshare community from the session, including our strategy for healthier liquidity, multichain, the RWA Token launch window, and a look ahead to some of our plans for 2024.

Let’s dive in!

RWA Liquidity Strategy

Liquidity is a top priority for the RWA Token update, since it’s one of the biggest drawbacks to traditional real estate investment. During the AMA, Jordan highlighted our desire to provide a truly liquid form of real estate investment, where investors can buy and sell for the full value of the underlying assets.

This goal has proven difficult to achieve, with many real estate projects acting as centralized market makers, creating illiquid DEX pools, or relying on entirely off-chain solutions.

To address the problem at its core, we’ve adopted a 3-pronged strategy:

  1. On-chain valuations: Through our partnership with Chainlink, we ensure the latest property valuations are brough on-chain and available to our smart contracts.
  2. Fixed price liquidity: Users can sell a limited number of tokens at net asset value. This mechanism is designed to ensure the value of RWA Tokens on the market represents the value of the underlying assets.
  3. DEX Trading: The most important piece of the puzzle, a DEX pool creates a secondary market for tokens that allows users to buy and sell at any time.

You can read more about the liquidity model for the RWA Token here.

Multichain Strategy

Multichain is another highly discussed topic, and one of our top priorities as we move forward into next year. Throughout the session, Jordan emphasized the importance of integrating RWA Tokens to leverage DeFi capabilities currently applied to traditional tokens. This involves utilizing decentralized exchanges, lending protocols, and the necessity for multichain capabilities to actualize this vision.

Furthermore, the implementation of multichain capabilities enhances our ability to engage with new users, as part of our broader strategy to amplify the visibility, exposure, and accessibility of Landshare.

When considering new chains to expand into, the following criteria are considered primarily important:

  • Daily active users
  • Synergistic projects for partnerships and integrations
  • Low gas fees
  • Bridge and liquidity access

Based on these criteria, in addition to community feedback, we are eyeing Polygon as the first cross-chain network for Landshare.

RWA Token Launch

The RWA Token launch is the essential first step towards realizing the objectives we’ve outlined during the AMA session and in our previous updates — DeFi integrations, healthy liquidity, and efficient scaling. With the RWA Token also comes improvements to every other aspect of the ecosystem, including new LAND Token utilities, a refreshed UI/UX, additional quality of life features, and much more.

After months of work, we are wrapping up the integrations and campaigns we’ve prepared for this update and are on track for a Q4 launch. The community can expect more details on the rollout of this new feature, including the migration timeline for existing Asset Token and NFT holders, followed by a full update launch. In the meantime, be sure to check out our Feature Preview article for a deep dive on our most ambitious update yet!

Roadmap and Future Plans

To wrap up the AMA, Jordan provided some insights into the project’s future plans. We are still finalizing the roadmap for 2024 and plan to put out a detailed post toward the end of the year. In the meantime, a few of our priorities were provided during the session:

Increased Visibility and Access

With the new feature launch, there is no better time to start expanding the visibility and access to the Landshare ecosystem! These are just a few of the avenues the team is exploring:

  1. Multichain: By expanding to new chains, Landshare will expand its reach to users outside of Binance Smart Chain and enhance the exposure through 3rd party integrations.
  2. New ways to buy LAND: The Landshare Token is key to all platform features, so it’s crucial to make it as easy as possible to obtain. The team is looking at new chains, new exchanges, and card payment options to accomplish this objective.
  3. Visibility of the team: Among other initiatives, we will continue to host AMAs with new partners and also begin community-focused AMAs to address questions specifically related to the project.
  4. Highlighting platform benefits: In our effort to build an on-chain financial future and make real estate investment accessible to everyone, it’s vital to spread the word about the unique benefits of the Landshare platform.

Property Expansion

In terms of property development, we have two main goals: expansion and diversification.

To this point, the focus has been on single family rentals and house flips. In addition to a brand-new property debuting with the RWA Token, the team is currently assessing new types of property investments, including short term rentals like Airbnbs and multi-unit properties.

Continued Development

Although the RWA Token update is comprehensive, our work doesn’t stop when it goes live! We will continue to improve on our existing features, including by adding the LAND Holder tracker recently proposed by the DAO. We’ll also be focused on further streamlining the RWA investment process, including by adding the option for credit/debit card payments. And of course, we’ll be adding new features and integrations to improve the utility of both LAND and the RWA Token.

These are just a few of our priorities — you can expect a much more comprehensive update toward the end of the year!

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October 11, 2023
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Landshare Token: Utilities and Tokenomics

Landshare Token: Utilities and Tokenomics

Get an overview of Landshare's native utility token, LAND.



Landshare Team

The Landshare Token (LAND) is the native utility and governance token for Landshare. LAND sits at the heart of all platform features, serving as means of payment, access, voting, and more. It comprises one of the two tokens available to users, along with the upcoming RWA Token.

With two different tokens available, it’s vital to understand the role LAND plays in the platform and how it synergizes with the RWA Token to create a complete ecosystem. In this article, we will briefly compare LAND and the RWA Token, review a comprehensive list of LAND utilities, and take a fresh look at LAND’s current tokenomics.

LAND Token and RWA Token Compared

The Landshare platform features two different tokens — the Landshare Token (LAND) and the RWA Token (LSRWA). Although both tokens are integral parts of the ecosystem, they each serve their own unique purpose.

LAND Token Summarized

LAND is a traditional utility and governance token, similar to those available on many crypto platforms. It serves various roles throughout the entire platform and is used to access our signature features, including RWA investment, NFTs, staking, and the Landshare DAO. In short, LAND is the key to the entire Landshare platform!

LAND is an excellent choice for crypto-centric users looking for a traditional utility token. It is currently available for trade on Pancakeswap and

RWA Token Summarized

The RWA Token is a security token that enables real estate investment on Landshare. Unlike LAND, the RWA Token requires KYC to purchase.

Each RWA Token represents a share of a pool of US-based real estate assets. The value of each RWA Token grows proportionally with the value of underlying properties and the cash flow they produce, allowing investors to benefit by simply holding over time.

The RWA Token is an excellent choice for users looking to invest directly into real estate on the blockchain. To learn more about the RWA Token, check out our previous article Landshare RWA Token: Utilities and Tokenomics.

What are the utilities of LAND?

The LAND Token plays an essential role in all platform features, including vaults, governance, NFTs, and RWA offerings. This list covers the utilities up to and including the RWA Token update, but will continue to expand as new features are added to the platform.


The LAND Token represents voting power in the Landshare DAO, which is the primary governance mechanism for the platform. The DAO and its voters have direct control over key elements of the platform including:

  • Staking Rewards: The Landshare DAO has direct control over the percentage of newly minted LAND Tokens distributed as rewards to each staking vault.
  • Emission Rates: In addition to the distribution of reward tokens, the DAO can also increase or reduce the total number of reward tokens minted per day.
  • Treasury Funds: 2.5% of new tokens minted are distributed to the DAO treasury. The DAO has the authority to delegate these funds for grants, burns, marketing bounties, or anything else the community can think of!

Through the DAO, the future of the platform lies in the hands of LAND holders! For more details on governance mechanics, check out our docs page.

NFT Ecosystem

Landshare Real Estate NFTs are stylized 3D NFT models of the real-world assets offered on Landshare’s platform. NFTs enable RWA Token holders to earn additional yields through a unique gamified staking system.

The NFT ecosystem utilizes the LAND Token in a number of critical ways:

  • Marketplace: NFTs can be traded freely among users using LAND Tokens. Each marketplace transaction incurs a 5% fee.
  • Minting: In the updated NFT minting system, a 5% LAND fee is applied to each new mint.
  • Power: In order to upgrade and repair NFTs, you must generate the power resource. Additional power can be purchased with LAND through the resources tab.
  • Slots: Each NFT must be placed in a slot to be considered active. Users can purchase additional slots for 15 LAND a piece.
  • Premium Upgrades: Each NFT property can be enhanced using premium upgrades, which cost LAND to purchase.

RWA Fees & Payment

Investment in real-world assets is made possible through the RWA Token. However, the LAND Token plays an integral role in the process of acquiring and trading RWAs on Landshare.

In order to purchase RWA Tokens, you must make your payment in 90% stablecoins and 10% LAND tokens, pursuant to the total USD value of the purchase. For example, if you wish to purchase $1,000 in RWA Tokens, the total purchase price would be $900 in stablecoins and $100 in LAND Tokens.

With the new fixed-price liquidity pool, RWA Tokens can also be sold on demand based on the underlying asset value. When initiating these sales, a 1% LAND fee will apply. For example, a sale of $1,000 in RWA Tokens will incur a $10 LAND Token fee.


While LAND has many uses across the ecosystem, there is also an incentive for simply holding the token or providing liquidity — staking! There are 3 different ways to earn additional rewards from your Landshare Tokens through our vaults page:

  • Auto LAND Staking: The recommended option for most users. The Auto LAND Vault allows you to stake your LAND Tokens and earn LAND rewards over time. Rewards are automatically reinvested, enabling you to benefit from compound interest without lifting a finger.
  • Manual LAND Staking: Recommended for advanced users, manual LAND staking also generates rewards over time but does not automatically compound them. Instead, rewards can be harvested manually at any time.
  • LAND-BNB LP Staking: The LAND Token can be paired with BNB to provide liquidity on Pancakeswap. After providing liquidity, you will receive LP Tokens which can be staked for LAND Rewards. LP Staking generally has the highest APR of all the different vaults, making it a great option for savvy users. To learn more about providing LP, read our guide here.

LAND Tokenomics — an Updated Look

The Landshare Token has an elastic supply, with an adjustable minting rate and dynamic burning mechanics that can affect the total number of tokens over time. However, one thing remains unchanged—LAND has a hard minting cap of 10,000,000 tokens, with each burn counting against that number permanently. Here is a basic rundown of supply at the time of writing:

  • Total Supply: 4,186,897
  • Circulating Supply: 4,157,149
  • Supply Cap (effective): 9,981,683
  • Daily emissions: ~2050

A vesting schedule applied to the first year of launch and can be viewed in the Whitepaper. However, all vested tokens have since been released into circulating supply. With the exception of the DAO Treasury reserve and burnt tokens, all minted tokens are in active circulation. The remaining un-minted tokens will be distributed over time as staking rewards (97.5%) and to the DAO treasury (2.5%).

Burn Mechanisms

The LAND Token has a number of mechanisms designed to remove tokens from supply. Because the mint rate is capped at 10,000,000 tokens, each burn effectively reduces the supply cap of LAND permanently. Some examples of burn mechanisms are:

  • RWA Token Purchases: Each RWA Token purchase will be paid 10% in LAND Tokens, all of which are burned.
  • NFT Ecosystem: Any tokens collected as fees for minting new NFTs, property slots, or buying power are burned.
  • Elective DAO Burns: The DAO can vote to burn any number of tokens from its treasury fund, which comprises 2.5% of all tokens generated as well as Auto LAND staking fees.

Closing Thoughts

Landshare is about closing the gap between real estate and DeFi — and we achieve this through our two tokens, LAND and RWA. Each token serves a complimentary function in the Landshare ecosystem, and both are equally crucial to its success.

To learn more about the LAND Token and the platform features covered in this article, be sure to check out our collection of useful resources:

LAND can be purchased on Pancakeswap or

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August 25, 2023
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The Rise of RWA Tokenization

The Rise of RWA Tokenization

An overview of the past, present, and future of tokenization



Landshare Team

Tokenization, the process of converting real-world assets (RWAs) into digital tokens, has gained significant momentum in both traditional finance and the blockchain space. Although a relatively new concept, it’s already starting to disrupt major traditional markets, including real estate, commodities, and even art.

According to a report by Deloitte, the global market for tokenization is expected to reach $544 billion by 2025, with Boston Consulting Group projecting a surge to $16 trillion by 2030. The numbers don’t lie — the rise of RWA tokenization is here, and this is only the beginning.

In this article, we will provide an overview of the past, present, and future of RWA tokenization, and its implications for both traditional finance and the future of the blockchain space.

What is RWA Tokenization?

RWA tokenization is a process where the ownership rights of a real-world asset, such as a rental property, are represented as digital tokens on a blockchain. The tokens become digital representations of ownership, usually in the form of shares in a legal entity that holds the RWA(s). In this way, the tokens take the place of traditional methods of tracking ownership, such as stock certificates or membership ledgers.

Tokenization can be used to fractionalize illiquid assets such as real estate, or simply to allow for real-world assets to be represented digitally. In short, it’s a method to create fractional units of any asset — physical or digital — and trade them on a blockchain.

The Origins of RWA Tokenization

The idea of asset tokenization can be traced back to the creation of Bitcoin, the world’s first cryptocurrency. Bitcoin was created in 2009 and introduced the concept of the blockchain, a distributed ledger technology which allows for secure and transparent transactions without the need for intermediaries.

While Bitcoin first introduced the blockchain to the world, the industry took a major step forward with the launch of smart contracts on Ethereum. Smart contracts are programs that can be deployed to a blockchain, enabling the execution of complex business logic on-chain. It quickly became clear that this technology could be used to digitize and fractionalize real world assets, creating an entirely new financial ecosystem.

With the technology in place, a clear legal framework was still required to truly facilitate tokenized ownership. In 2017, the US state of Delaware amended its General Corporation Law to account for the use of blockchain technology in corporate record-keeping, enabling the issuance of company shares as digital tokens. This landmark legislation established a legal basis for tokenized ownership of RWAs, marking a major victory for proponents of blockchain technology. Since then, several jurisdictions and regulatory bodies have made strides in acknowledging and providing legal support for tokenized RWAs.

The Growth of Tokenization

The early growth of tokenization has been nothing short of impressive, particularly in real estate. Investment in tokenized real estate has nearly tripled in the last year, making it the fastest growing security token sector. The adoption of tokenization in real estate is motivated primarily by the desire to provide liquidity to traditionally illiquid assets, enabling investors to gain exposure to the asset class without the requiring large amounts of capital.

Tokenization has also seen significant growth in the art world. According to a report by Art Basel and UBS, the global art market was valued at $67.4 billion in 2018. However, the market has traditionally been dominated by wealthy individuals, making it difficult for smaller investors to gain exposure. Tokenization solves this by allowing for the fractionalization of artwork, enabling modest investments in high value pieces.

Another growing use of tokenization is US Treasury Bills. According to a recent report from Coindesk, the total volume of tokenized T-Bills has reached over $600 million. This growth can be attributed to the difficulty for non-US investors to access this lucrative market, widely regarded as one of the safest investments in the world. Tokenization breaks down these international barriers by enabling seamless investment with stablecoins or other cryptocurrencies.

In total, the tokenized RWA market has ballooned to over $2.3 billion in a few short years. While this is impressive, projections for the total value of tokenized RWAs in 2030 range anywhere from $4 trillion all the way up to $16 trillion, a minimum 4-fold increase over the current market cap of all cryptocurrencies combined.

The Future of the Industry

While traditional finance and cryptocurrency are separate industries, many believe tokenization will play a key role in the future of both of them. In fact, tokenization may very well represent the bridge between the two industries, tying them together in a way that is mutually beneficial.

Cryptocurrencies are known to be highly volatile, with abrupt price movements and unpredictable market cycles becoming the norm. As the industry becomes more sophisticated, there is an increasing demand for products that provide reliable yields and access to traditional markets. Through tokenization, RWAs can be traded interchangeably with Bitcoin, stablecoins, and all other crypto assets, introducing an additional layer of value to the ecosystem.

Traditional finance, on the other hand, has long struggled to drag its infrastructure into the digital age. The global financial system is a series of disjointed and often archaic systems that present massive barriers to international investment. The blockchain, a borderless and decentralized financial network, offers a compelling solution to these longstanding challenges.

By integrating tokenization, financial systems across the world can be streamlined and modernized, particularly in cross-border transactions. The need for cumbersome systems like international bank wires and currency conversions can be eliminated entirely, replaced by instantaneous settlement and automated transactions through smart contracts.

Closing Thoughts

The meteoric rise of RWA tokenization has the potential to disrupt not only the cryptocurrency space, but also the global financial system as a whole. The blockchain is the financial infrastructure for the digital age, facilitating cross-border exchanges, instantaneous settlement, and trustless operations, and those in traditional finance are starting to take notice.

Cryptocurrency and finance are often view separately from one another, but RWA tokenization is the bridge between them — and may very well represent the future of both.

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May 10, 2023
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7 Major Institutions That Have Embraced Tokenization

7 Major Institutions That Have Embraced Tokenization

See the top financial institutions adopting RWA Tokenization



Landshare Team

As the world continues to transition into the digital age, financial institutions are seeking new ways to transform legacy infrastructure into modern, global, and digitally native systems. One of the most promising developments on this front is the use of tokenization.

Tokenization involves the representation of traditional assets such as real estate, art, and stocks as digital tokens on a blockchain network. Tokenization can bring about several benefits, including increased liquidity, fractional ownership, and increased accessibility to investors. It breaks down geographic barriers presented by existing financial systems and enables seamless global exchange of assets.

As time goes on, more and more banks, financial institutions, and even governments are exploring tokenization as a solution to real world problems. In this article, we will highlight seven major institutions who have embraced this emerging technology.

1. JP Morgan

JP Morgan is one of the largest financial institutions in the world with a market cap of over $398 billion. The bank has been actively exploring the use of blockchain technology for several years, and has developed its own blockchain network, Quorum.

JPMorgan called tokenization a “Killer App” for TradFi, and have launched a division dedicated to enabling institutional investment in tokenized assets. JPMorgan went on to collaborate with the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) to launch a new pilot program, Project Guardian, to explore the exchange of tokenized assets on a public blockchain.

2. State Street

State Street is a leading financial services company that manages over $40 trillion in assets. State Street has been actively investing in blockchain technology and digital assets, and has launched several blockchain-based initiatives, including a platform for trading bonds using blockchain technology.

State Street has also established State Street Digital, a platform dedicated to the development of blockchain-based solutions. The platform provides institutional clients with tools for managing and trading digital assets, including cryptocurrencies and other tokenized assets. This demonstrates State Street’s commitment to exploring the potential of tokenization for enhancing financial transactions and their drive for innovation in the field.

3. Deutsche Bank

Deutsche Bank is a German-based investment bank with a market cap of over $20 billion. In 2020, Deutsche Bank began exploring asset tokenization, conducting a successful pilot project for the tokenization of €4 million ($4.9 million) worth of bonds.

Deutsche Bank doubled down in February 2023 by completing the proof-of-concept phase for Project DAMA, a platform designed to facilitate investment in tokenized securities.

4. BNY Mellon

BNY Mellon is a US-based investment bank with a market cap of over $46 billion. In 2020, BNY Mellon conducted a successful pilot project for the tokenization of a $25 million private equity fund. The project involved the use of blockchain technology to create digital tokens that represent ownership in the private equity fund.

In a 2022 survey of its clients, BNY Mellon found that a whopping 91% of large institutional asset managers, asset owners and hedge funds were interested in investing in some type of tokenized asset within the next few years. This demand led the BNY Mellon to become the first to launch a series of institutional-focused crypto services.

5. Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs is one of the most well-known investment banks globally, with a market capitalization of over $130 billion. The company has always been at the forefront of innovation, and this is no different when it comes to blockchain technology and digital assets.

Goldman Sachs has launched several initiatives to provide enterprise level investors with access to tokenized investment opportunities, including utilizing the technology to improve liquidity in illiquid markets. As a key player in the financial industry, Goldman Sach’s commitment to tokenization is likely to drive further adoption of tokenized securities by institutional-level investors.

6. PayPal

PayPal is a US-based payment processing company with a market cap of over $300 billion. The company has been actively exploring blockchain technology and its potential applications such as asset tokenization. In 2020, PayPal was granted a patent for a blockchain-based platform that allows for the tokenization of virtual assets.

The platform designed by PayPal is intended to facilitate the trading of virtual assets, including video game items, digital art, and loyalty points. These virtual assets are often stored in centralized databases and are difficult to transfer or trade. The tokenization of these assets on a blockchain-based platform would enable users to trade them with ease, potentially creating new markets for these assets.

7. Fidelity

Fidelity Investments is a leading financial services company with over $4.5 trillion in assets under management. The company has been actively exploring the use of blockchain technology and has been involved in several tokenization projects, including tokenized real estate, securities, and other real-world assets. Through tokenization, Fidelity aims to increase liquidity, reduce transaction costs, and create new investment opportunities for its clients.

In addition to its tokenization initiatives, Fidelity has launched a blockchain-based platform, Fidelity Digital Assets, which allows for the storage and trading of cryptocurrencies. The platform was created to meet the growing demand for institutional-grade cryptocurrency custody and trading services. With its significant investments and initiatives in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space already made, Fidelity is likely to expand its efforts in the growing trend of tokenization going forward.

Closing Thoughts

While these major institutions have varying degrees of involvement in tokenization, it is clear that they have recognized the potential benefits. As blockchain technology continues to mature and regulatory frameworks become clearer, it is likely that more institutions will follow suit and embrace tokenization as a way to streamline their operations and provide greater value to their customers.

Tokenization has the potential to transform the way that traditional financial institutions operate. By allowing assets to be digitized and traded on a blockchain network, tokenization can provide greater liquidity, transparency, and efficiency to the financial system. While tokenization is still in its early stages, these 7 major institutions have taken the first steps towards embracing tokenization and creating a clearer path for investors to access this emerging technology.

About Landshare: Invest in Tokenized Real Estate with as little as $50 directly on the blockchain through the Landshare platform. Landshare’s property offerings are carefully vetted and hand selected among thousands of potential options.

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April 17, 2023
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Tokenization: Crypto’s Most Compelling Use Case

Tokenization: Crypto’s Most Compelling Use Case

Explore the emergence of RWAs as a use case for crypto



Landshare Team

When someone thinks of cryptocurrency, the first things that come to mind are usually Bitcoin, NFTs, meme coins, or yield farming. Despite the public attention and large sums of money directed toward these applications of the technology, many in the financial sector believe that the most compelling use case is something less widely known — tokenization.

Tokenization is the process of converting an off-chain asset to a token, which becomes the on-chain representation of that asset. Tokenization can be used to fractionalize illiquid assets such as real estate or simply to allow the for the asset to be traded, transferred, or leveraged on the blockchain.

While tokenization is still a new concept, there are a growing number of banks, hedge funds, and governments starting to take notice. In November 2022, J.P. Morgan, DBS Bank and SBI Digital Asset Holdings used on-chain protocols to exchange tokenized government bonds. Following suit, Israel recently announced their intention to begin testing tokenized government bonds as well.

These programs may simply be the tip of the iceberg — there is widespread belief that tokenization may soon disrupt real estate, stock trading, and global commodity markets. But why would traditional financial systems be upended and replaced with tokenization? Let’s take a look at some of the reasons tokenization is viewed as one of the most promising use cases for the blockchain.

Disruption of traditional securities markets

All marketplaces have one goal in common — to become more efficient. Despite this, security markets still rely on an archaic network of banks, brokers, transfer agents, clearing houses, market makers, and more. While many aspects of the process have been digitized and streamlined, the underlying structure remains unchanged from what has been in place for decades. Because of all the moving parts, fees are often high and the transfer of funds in and out of the brokerage can take several days. This is why many, including Blackrock CEO Larry Fink, believe that tokenization is the next logical step for marketplaces to take.

At a recent event, Fink stated that “the next generation for markets, the next generation for securities, will be tokenization of securities.” He went on to say that tokenization can provide “instantaneous settlement” and “reduced fees” by leveraging the blockchain’s distributing ledger system. In addition, the open nature of the blockchain means that trades are transparent, trustless, and the need for intermediaries is largely eliminated.

Fractionalization and digitization of real estate

Buying, selling or transferring real estate requires the need of middlemen, title companies, and lawyers to manage paperwork or act as an escrow between you and a buyer. The system used to buy and sell real estate is largely unchanged from decades ago, relying on a series of manual processes that incur fees at each step.

Tokenization can be used to easily fractionalize, securitize, and trade traditionally illiquid assets such as real estate. Turning a real estate asset or development project into easily marketable securities is traditionally only achievable through high-fee brokerages or other investment portals. Tokenization makes this process far easier — fractional real estate securities can be issued on a public blockchain instead, meaning lower minimum investments, access to a global base of investors, and the ability to create a secondary market using smart contracts.

The emerging Tokenized Asset market is currently only valuated at roughly $0.6 billion, but due largely to the potential shown by tokenized real estate, many in the financial sector are bullish on tokenization as a disruptive force. Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is estimating asset tokenization will grow by 2500% by 2030, and the World Economic Forum estimates that tokenized markets could “potentially be worth as much as $24 trillion by 2027”.

The tokenization of “everything”

Tokenization is not limited to stocks and real estate. Virtually anything can be tokenized — natural resources, art, collectibles, currencies, and even carbon credits. This means that a digital marketplace consisting of virtually every asset imaginable, all existing on a single network, is a distinct possibility.

In fact, S&P Global executives have stated “we think the tokenization of everything is going to happen.” The ability to trade any asset in a shared digital space would fundamentally change the way global commodity markets work. Precious metals, energy resources, and agricultural products can all be traded on the blockchain’s distributed digital ledger through tokenization, with instant transfers and settlement anywhere in the world.

Leveraging smart contracts

When assets are tokenized, they exist as on-chain tokens utilizing existing standards such as ERC-20. Put simply, they can interact with smart contracts and DeFi protocols like any native crypto asset. Many crypto-savvy readers may be familiar with loan protocols, staking contracts, perpetual futures trading, and decentralized liquidity pools. When traditional assets are tokenized, they can interact with these protocols — creating brand new investment strategies and streamlining complex transactions.

This is far from a hypothetical use case — as part of the Monetary Authority of Singapore’s Project Guardian, borrow/lend smart contracts utilizing on-chain verification were used to carry out foreign exchange transactions without the need for intermediaries. In one transaction, 10.4 million JPY (roughly $70,000) was transferred with a transaction fee of only $0.03 USD.

Closing thoughts

Key players around the globe are all in agreement — asset tokenization is the future of marketplaces. While some firm’s estimations are loftier than others, it is important to view how these firms are forming their estimates. The World Economic Forum notes that if only 10% of the world’s GDP is tokenized, its market cap would climb to $24 trillion. The Boston Consulting Group agrees with the WEF, noting that the value of tokenized assets could surpass $16 trillion by 2030 if even a fraction of the world’s GDP is tokenized.

The varying projections each firm has comes down to a matter of opinion. Yet, there is widespread belief that adoption will happen; the only point of disagreement is how quickly it will happen. As the world becomes increasingly digital, it stands to reason that traditional systems will look to transition to digitally-native infrastructures. With tokenization, you can transform anything into a trustless, instantaneous, liquid, and fractional asset.

August 15, 2022
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Why Real Estate-Backed Tokens Offer the Best Safe Haven for Crypto Traders

Why Real Estate-Backed Tokens Offer the Best Safe Haven for Crypto Traders

Protect your on-chain assets from inflation and theft.



Landshare Team

It’s no secret that the cryptocurrency market is highly volatile. While its potential upside is unmatched, it also frequently experiences sharp price corrections and enters prolonged bear markets. When this happens, investors need a place to protect their funds from losses — often referred to as safe havens.

A safe haven is a type of investment that is expected to retain or increase in value during times of market turbulence. Investors move funds into safe havens to mitigate their risk of losses during market downturns. In the crypto space, these types of investments can be difficult to find — especially if the investor is also expecting a consistent return.

Real estate-backed tokens offer the ability to invest in real estate directly on-chain. They are not affected by cryptocurrency bear markets because their value is derived from real world assets. By moving trading profits and idle funds into real estate-backed tokens, investors can protect their funds from volatility while also earning regular cash flows.

What are real estate-backed tokens?

Real estate-backed tokens, or Asset Tokens, are cryptocurrencies that represent the ownership of real-world assets. To put it simply, the value of an Asset Token is based directly on the value of the asset it represents. All of this is made possible by a process called Tokenization.

Tokenization Model

Tokenization splits the ownership of a real estate asset into smaller parts represented by tokens. Each individual holder of the tokens is a co-owner of the asset and receives a share of the profits it generates. Asset Tokens tokens can be bought, sold, or traded just like any other token on the blockchain.

For a more detailed description of Asset Tokens and the process of Tokenization, check out Landshare’s Tokenized Asset Overview video.

Real Estate Tokens vs. Stablecoins

Traditionally, crypto traders move their funds to stablecoins such as USDT, BUSD, and USDC to take profits or protect themselves from market downturns. Because the value of a stablecoin is always at or near $1 USD, they allow traders to keep their funds on-chain while protecting themselves from volatility and price fluctuations. While stablecoins offer great utility in this regard, real estate-backed tokens offer several unique advantages as a safe haven for crypto traders.

1:1 Backing

Tether’s USDT is the most popular stablecoin in the market today. There is a widespread assumption that Tether holds enough USD to back up the whopping 69,000,000,000+ circulating supply of USDT. However, at this point it is not clear how many USDT tokens are backed by actual USD. According to a recent Bloomberg article:

“Exactly how Tether is backed, or if it’s truly backed at all, has always been a mystery. For years a persistent group of critics has argued that, despite the company’s assurances, Tether Holdings doesn’t have enough assets to maintain the 1-to-1 exchange rate, meaning its coin is essentially a fraud.”

On October 15, 2021, the CFTC ordered Tether to pay a $41 million dollar fine for issuing unbacked USDT tokens. According to the release:

“The Tether order finds that since its launch in 2014, Tether has represented that the tether token is a stablecoin with its value pegged to fiat currency and 100% backed by corresponding fiat assets, including U.S. dollars and euros. However, the Tether order finds that from at least June 1, 2016 to February 25, 2019, Tether misrepresented to customers and the market that Tether maintained sufficient U.S. dollar reserves to back every USDT in circulation with the “equivalent amount of corresponding fiat currency” held by Tether and “safely deposited” in Tether’s bank accounts. In fact Tether reserves were not “fully-backed” the majority of the time.”

The concerns over Tether’s operations should be taken seriously if cryptocurrency is to be adopted by the mainstream public. Without being collateralized 1:1 USD, a “run-on-the-bank” situation, or even regulatory actions, could leave hundreds of millions of users with valueless USDT that can no longer be redeemed for $1 USD.

By contrast, Asset Tokens are fixed supply tokens transparently backed by real world assets. Because token holders are shareholders of the asset itself, they have a direct legal claim to their share of the asset’s value.

Cash returns and appreciation

While stablecoins offer protections against market downturns, they do not intrinsically offer any yields or returns to investors, nor can they appreciate in value. In fact, due to inflation rates reaching 30-year highs, holding stablecoins can mean a loss of buying power over time.

Asset Tokens offer similar protections from the volatility of cryptocurrency while also offering annual cash yields and value appreciation averaging between 6–8% and 5–10% respectively, for total annual returns up to 18%. While the value of the US dollar shrinks, US home prices are projected to increase by 13.6% over the next year.


Traders may choose to stake stablecoins on loan or yield farming platforms such as Venus or Beefy Finance. These platforms offer a great way to earn some extra income while holding USD and greatly outperform the rates offered by banks.

Unfortunately, these platforms come with their own risks that can still result in traders losing their investment. Due to the open nature of DeFi, many protocols have vulnerabilities that can be exploited by hackers, and these attacks are not uncommon. $119 million was recently stolen from BadgerDAO by hackers, Cream Finance was exploited for over $100 million, and Poly Network was exploited for $600 million. According to Cipher Trace, over $10 Billion was stolen in DeFi related theft this year.

In addition to DeFi risks, investors are vulnerable to the loss or theft of wallet private keys and exchange hacks, meaning funds can be lost even by holding. If these events occur, there is typically no way to retrieve lost funds.

Tokenized Real Estate offers additional security measures that traditional protocols cannot. While traditional tokens can be lost due to DeFi exploits or wallet hacks, Asset Tokens are immune to this because they are owned by the investor, not a wallet. If an investor’s wallet suffers an attack or is compromised, the stolen tokens can be administratively reissued to a secured wallet.


Tokenized Assets offer a great way to hold your profits in a secure and traditionally stable manner without the risks of being run on, being hacked, or sitting on depreciating assets. While your first thought for a safe haven may be holding stablecoins, it may be time to consider real estate-backed tokens as an alternative.

Landshare offers fractional real estate investment on the blockchain, enabling hassle-free investment for as little as $50. You can find out more about the Landshare platform at and view our current offering at

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August 11, 2022
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4 Reasons to Invest in Real Estate in St. Louis

4 Reasons to Invest in Real Estate in St. Louis

Read more about one of America's top cash flow markets



Landshare Team

Located in the heart of middle America, St. Louis, MO is one of the USA’s most iconic cities. From the Gateway Arch to its world-famous Jazz music, the city has something for everyone. Home to over 2,800,000 people, many investors consider St. Louis one of the best markets for cash flow property investment.

There are good reasons for this – St. Louis has an excellent job market, steady population growth, plenty of renters, a high quality of life, and its properties have consistently appreciated in value over time.

1. Job Market

St. Louis is competitive among other thriving urban areas, partially due to the expanding work opportunities within the technology and creative sectors. The job market is reinforced by established brands such as Anheuser-Busch, Boeing, Express Scripts, and many others. In 2018, a study by Glassdoor – one of the world’s leading career recruitment sites – found that out of the 50 largest metropolitan areas in the United States, St. Louis was the second-best city for job seekers.

With an unemployment rate of 2.9%, St. Louis excels when compared to the national average of 3.6%.  Additionally, the GDP of St. Louis has grown nearly 23% over the last 10 years according to the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis. The appeal St. Louis has to potential renters makes sense; a strong job market is the backbone of a growing and thriving city and allows plenty of workers to make St. Louis their home.

2. Population Growth

St. Louis has welcomed steady population growth over the last decade. Being home to roughly 2,800,000 people as of 2019, it is the 20th largest metropolitan area in the United States. People move to St. Louis from all around the country due to its diverse economy, low cost of living, and numerous entertainment options.

As a biotech and business hub, St. Louis is also home to roughly 40 colleges and universities. It stands to reason that St. Louis is one of the top cities in the US for recent college graduates and those seeking an education.

3. Plethora of Renters

In St. Louis, renters occupy more than half of the housing units (54%). More than half of the households in St. Louis still prefer to rent rather than own! A population that prefers renting to owning means real estate investors will never have to worry about finding a tenant to occupy their property. With 2.8 million people, and 54% currently renting, property managers have a whopping 1.5+ million potential tenants.

With the 3rd lowest price-to-rent ratio among major US cities, St. Louis is a top choice for cash flow properties. Price-to-rent ratio is defined by the ratio between the value of a property and how much rent it can generate. Put simply, a lower price-to-rent ratio means higher cash returns for investors.

A new study by WalletHub ranked St. Louis among the top 100 locations for renters. The research examined the same critical factors that real estate investors consider, such as rental market activity, job and population growth, and families’ preference for renting as opposed to owning.

4. Quality of Life

St. Louis offers a vibrant lifestyle and community for residents, ranking among the top places to live in the United States. Whether you are a sports fan, looking to progress in your career, or hoping to start a family, St. Louis is an enticing choice.

The cost of living in St. Louis is affordable due to real estate costs that are significantly lower than the national average. Families can choose their ideal home in the community of their choice while staying within their financial means. There are plenty of opportunities for upward growth via property appreciation as the population continues to grow.

St. Louis is also a hotbed for arts and entertainment. World-famous for its jazz music, barbeque, and nightlife, the city has a rich tradition and a vibrant downtown culture. The St. Louis Cardinals have one of the most loyal and exuberant fan bases in MLB. Busch Stadium has been named one of the top 10 venues in the nation by Bleacher Report and Fox Sports for its vantage points, friendliness, and capacity for both indoor and outdoor viewing of sporting events.

As more people flock to areas with unique cultures and plenty of entertainment options, cities like St. Louis will continue to grow. When population increases, so do property values and potential renters.


Choosing the location of an investment property can make or break your investment. St. Louis offers numerous qualities that make it the perfect place to look for your next investment. With a vast array of activities in the city, a rich and expanding job market, and a steadily growing population, St. Louis offers one of the best cash flow markets in the country.

Take advantage of our latest Tokenized Asset listing: A beautiful 2-bed 1-bath home in St. Louis. Newly renovated from head-to-toe, this property sits on a large corner lot with tons of privacy and easy access to downtown St. Louis! See more details here.


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July 11, 2022
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What is Asset Tokenization?

What is Asset Tokenization?

Learn about tokenization and the benefits it provides



Landshare Team

The birth of Bitcoin created a new realm of possibilities for the way securities and other assets are
created, handled, and exchanged. The blockchain is changing the financial landscape by making it simple to divide an asset into smaller units of ownership, democratizing investment in previously illiquid assets and establishing more equitable marketplaces.

Every type of asset, including paintings, digital media platforms, real estate, stocks, and collectibles can be fractionalized and tokenized on blockchain’s distributed ledger.

Asset Tokenization Summarized

Asset Tokenization is the process of creating digital tokens on the blockchain which represent the ownership of various real world and digital assets. Due to the unchangeable nature of blockchain, once you purchase tokens that represent an asset, no authority can remove or alter your ownership. In some cases, such as Landshare’s real estate tokens, holders also earn dividends generated by the underlying asset.

For example, if there are 100,000 tokens created for a given asset, and you hold 10,000 of them, you possess a 10% share in the value of that asset. In addition to ownership, you are also entitled to 10% of any net profits generated from the asset (i.e., rental income).

How does Asset Tokenization work?

One common question with asset tokenization is how it works in practice. For example, how can 500 different people own a house? Who controls the asset, and what kind of power do they have over it?

To solve these issues, the asset is not tokenized directly. Rather, the asset is held in an LLC, corporation, or DAO, and ownership of that entity is represented by the tokens. When purchasing a tokenized asset, you are actually purchasing an ownership share of the company or organization that owns it.


Source: A General Model Of Asset Tokenization —

As legal shareholders, token holders enjoy all the same financial and legal rights of shareholders in any other company, including profit distributions, fraud protection, and certain voting rights. In this way, asset-backed tokens are uniquely secure investments in a space that is known to suffer from rug pulls, scams, and theft.

Why is Asset Tokenization important?

Asset Tokenization ushers in a new paradigm for real estate investing. Asset tokenization allows real estate to become a trustless, fractional, and liquid asset. To better understand why Asset Tokenization is important let’s look a few examples.

1. Trustless investing

Transferring ownership of a real estate asset today requires the need of middlemen, title companies, and lawyers to manage paperwork or act as an escrow between you and a buyer, which adds time and cost.

Through Asset Tokenization, real estate investing can be done without the lengthy third-party middlemen and title companies. A trustless process with instantly verifiability is beneficial for buyers and sellers alike. By eliminating administrative overhead and brokerage fees, more of the income is returned directly to investors

2. Transforming illiquid assets into liquid assets

Traditional real estate transactions that require sellers to go through the process of listing their asset on the market, screening offers, and completing paperwork to trade their asset. With Asset Tokenization, investors can instantly buy or sell their assets in a matter of seconds on the blockchain through services such as DS Swap.

3. Fractional sales

Asset Tokenization also transforms real estate into a fractional investment. There is no longer the need to sell the entirety of your real estate asset(s) to gain capital. Instead, you can choose to sell as little, or as much, of a share of your property allowing you to still maintain ownership.

Consider that you own a property valued at $300,000. Asset tokenization allows for the conversion of this property’s ownership into 300,000 tokens, each of which would represent a minuscule fraction (0.00033%) of the total property. If you were to need $50,000 in capital, selling your property would not make sense because you would still need a place to live. Instead, you can list 16.67% of your property for sale granting you the ability to maintain majority ownership while still getting the $50,000 in capital you need.

Likewise for investors, introducing liquidity to real estate assets allows for modest investments in a property. For instance, an investor can now diversify their portfolio with real estate assets for as little as $50 – something that historically was not possible.


Asset tokenization is revolutionizing the way assets are being traded, allowing for the fractionalization and digitization of assets including real estate, precious metals, art, and even sports memorabilia. Traditionally illiquid assets are now becoming liquid and granting trustless, fractional investment opportunities for people around the globe to diversify their portfolio with assets they were once priced out of.

Invest in Tokenized Real Estate with as little as $50 directly on the blockchain
through the Landshare platform. Landshare’s property offerings are carefully vetted  and hand selected among thousands of potential options. View the current offerings at and get more information on the platform at

New to Landshare? Learn more about the platform at

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July 16, 2023
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Landshare DAO Now Live!

Landshare DAO Now Live!

Landshare DAO Now Live! The Landshare team is thrilled to an



Landshare Team

The Landshare team is thrilled to announce the Landshare DAO is officially live!

With the Landshare DAO, high-level decisions are put in the hands of LAND holders through a decentralized governance model. The DAO gives LAND holders the ability to exercise administrative control over staking vaults, manage the DAO treasury, create customized marketing bounties, and much more.

To read more about what the Landshare DAO is, and what LAND holders will be able to do within the DAO, click here.

Landshare Token Migration

Alongside with the launch of the Landshare DAO, a token migration is required. To begin migrating your tokens please use the link located below.

NOTE: The only official migration page is Please verify the URL and do not try to migrate your tokens through any other means!

We want to make the migration process as simple and painless as possible. Our migration page will take you through the process step by step, all the way from staking your V1 tokens to staking your V2 tokens with no interruptions. Please see the guides below for each type of migration:

If your tokens are on, they will automatically be migrated, and no action is required on your part.

To read more about the migration process and receive some tips about how to optimize your token migration, please click here.

DAO Overview

The Landshare DAO can be viewed as an expansion of our existing Governance Protocol — more powerful, more autonomous, and now central to the operation of the platform. The Landshare DAO is designed to give LAND Token holders control over the Landshare ecosystem with the LAND Token as a means of governance. With the transition to a DAO model, token holders will take control of a token fund and have administrative control over staking vaults and other platform features.

On a basic level, the DAO works like this:

  1. Anyone holding at least 100 LAND can create a proposal using our prebuilt templates or by building a custom proposal from scratch.
  2. LAND holders vote on the proposals, with each LAND token staked or held counting as 1 vote.
  3. If the proposal passes, it can be executed autonomously after a short arbitration process.

For a more detailed breakdown of how the DAO works, please see our docs page here.

Default proposal options

The Landshare DAO comes with 6 default proposal templates. These templates can be accessed by visiting the DAO page and pressing the “Create” button:

Each of these proposals has a prebuilt Safesnap template and can be automatically executed after a successful vote. To read more about the default proposals, click here.

In addition to the preset proposals available on the Landshare App, anyone can create a custom proposal using Snapshot and the Safesnap plugin. Custom proposals can be created if none of the existing presets fit the criteria of your proposal.

Staking management

The Landshare DAO has direct control over the new staking vaults, with the ability to directly change vault allocations, total minting rate, and Auto LAND fees.

The Change Vault Allocation proposal allows the DAO to directly change the daily reward allocation of LAND Tokens in the staking contract. A total of 3500 LAND per day is split among three pools:

  • Burn Pool: Any allocation to the burn pool prevents those tokens from being minted. Tokens should be allocated to the burn pool if there is a desire to reduce the total staking rewards. Inversely, tokens can be removed from the burn pool to increase rewards.
  • LAND Staking: Tokens allocated to LAND Staking are distributed to those who stake LAND in both the Staking and Auto LAND pools.
  • LP Staking: Tokens allocated to LP Staking are distributed to those who stake Pancakeswap LAND-BNB LP Tokens.

Treasury Grants

Treasury grants are specific requests for funds from the Landshare DAO Treasury. Anyone can request funds for any purpose, including but not limited to:

  • Creating content including videos, Tweets, or articles
  • Third party partnerships, such as LP Farms
  • Developing features or updates to the platform

If you are a content creator, developer, or marketer and would like to contribute to the Landshare ecosystem, requesting a treasury grant is a great way to get started. For a full guide on submitting a grant request use our guide located here.

Marketing Bounties and Contests

The DAO can create LAND reward incentives for engagement and content creation using the Marketing Fund. This system is design to allow the community to incentive grassroots engagement and reward content creators, community members, or anyone that wants to help spread the word about the Landshare platform.

Marketing bounties and contests can be created by the DAO, pledging a certain amount of LAND tokens as a reward for a given task. Examples of tasks could include:

  • Writing an educational piece of content about the Landshare platform
  • Sharing prominent announcements about Landshare on Twitter
  • Creating videos about the Landshare platform or features
  • Any other idea that the DAO would like to propose!

These funds can be used in two ways: bounties and contests. Bounties are simple tasks such as posting on Twitter, Reddit, or Coinmarketcap. After a bounty goes live, anyone in the community can participate by posting proof of completion to the DAO admins.

Contests, on the other hand, are designed to reward a limited number of entries of the highest quality. In this case, the community votes for the winners after a designated submission period.

For a full guide on creating a bounty or contest you can use our guide located here.

DAO and Migration Resources

If you are new to Landshare or have questions about the DAO or token contract migration, please see below for a list of useful resources:

About Landshare: Invest in Tokenized Real Estate with as little as $50 directly on the blockchain through the Landshare platform. Landshare’s property offerings are carefully vetted and hand selected among thousands of potential options. View the current offerings at

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